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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Chapter 56: Let's Talk About Twitter

Hey guys,

This week on YouTube I debuted my game 'Celebrity Tweets' in which I test people on whether they know who tweeted certain tweets, this week I did it with my Sister's best friend & honorary sister, Megan.

On the blog I thought I would talk to you about Twitter.

So, I tweet and I enjoy it, I find it interesting to see what my friends, favourite companies and favourite celebrities are talking about and doing.
What I really wanted to talk about is a question that my dad has asked me and my sister before in a jokey manner when we talk about twitter which is 'Does that count as stalking?'. Today I wanted to take it out of its jokey manner and seriously ask if Twitter is a form of stalking.

For me, it depends on a number of factors, but mainly 4, and they are:
  1. What The Tweeter Does
  2. How & Why You Gain The Information
  3. & How Else You Can Do The Same Thing
So, without further a do, let's look at these 5 factors a bit more in depth:

1. What Does The Tweeter Do?

So, in my opinion, if the tweeter already documents their life elsewhere then reading their tweets cannot count as stalking for instance, a YouTuber, such as Joe Sugg, documents what he does and the majority of his life via YouTube and his job and goal is to tell his fans and followers about his life and so nothing he puts on twitter should not be intended to be not for them. However, someone like 'John from the shop down the road' doesn't intend on having fans know about his life and so using his tweets to follow him may count as stalking

2. How & Why Are you receiving the information about the Tweeter?

This one already sounds like a creepy stalkery question, so let me explain. I'll start with how: If you are receiving the information by just reading the tweet as it comes up in your feed, then great, that's lovely BUT, if you are analysing and piecing together their tweets to find out information about where they are and what they are doing, then I would count this as stalking. Why: If you are receiving this information because you are interested and a fan of the person, great, if you are receiving this information as a way to follow, gain private information or stalk the person, then this is stalking.

3. How Else Can You Gain The Same Information?

This one is a good one and basically says, is this information exclusive to twitter, or can it be found else where, a few example are: YouTubers, is the same information in their videos, General Celebrities, is the same information in their books/interviews & general people, is the same information common knowledge-if so, then good-on the other hand, if this information is exclusive to facebook, accidently leaked on twitter, not common knowledge or secretive- this is inappropriate to keep.

So, my final summary to the question 'Is Twitter like Stalking?' is No, Twitter is a way of finding out that extra bit of info about someone on a different platform, anything on twitter should be there because the tweeter is comfortable with anyone stumbling across it and reading/sharing it. If something is leaked and shared and leads to private info being revealed, this shouldn't count as stalking but more of privacy invasion. 

My closing statement is 'If you don't want someone to know something, don't tweet it to the world'

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
'Stalk' Me On Twitter (@DysonHamer)
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Chapter 55: The Interview & Updates

Hey Guys,

So yesterday I had a job interview with HumanUtopia who I've mentioned before here and on my channel, Here is a video of my trip to London where the interview took place:

I didn't have much time to vlog anything in the interview but we basically played lots of games, answered lots of questions and had a fair bit of fun while being observed by Graham, the boss.

I'm actually writing this on the train journey home from London so I haven't really had much time to process it all so there's a bit more info in the main video which I will film when I get home, which is available up there^.

While I have you here I just need to give you a few quick updates, Next week I am going skiing in Austria with the school, of course there will be blog posts & videos about that in due course, but while I'm away I will have videos and blog posts scheduled...but they may not work so bare with me on that.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Follow A Dream,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Chapter 54: Marchination (2016 Goals)

Hey Guys,

So, My good ol' friend Georgia over at Saltwater Sunset is doing 2016 Goals blog posts, in which she outlines that she will be setting herself goals every month, and then she gave a list of her goals.

I think this is a really cool idea, so, complete with awful punny titles, I shall give my own goals...
These will be on the 15th of each month


  • Continue to improve my hygiene and grooming routine
  • Start setting more time aside for school work in school & at home
  • Start learning lines for the 2 plays that I'm in
  • Get to know people better

MARCHINATION This is where the puns go badly, Machination means to plot/scheme..I added an R
  • Keep a consistent Hygiene & grooming routine
  • Learn lines for the 3 plays that I'm in
  • Learn to ski
  • Complete my Media coursework

I've only started with a small list as I want to make sure I'm setting achievable targets.

In April, I will review my success of 'Marchination', and then create a new list of goals for April, which will have an even worse pun.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Set Goals,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Chapter 53: The Beatles

Hey Guys,

Firstly, I apologise for the lateness of this post, I've been shopping today for my ski trip which is coming up soon.

This week on YouTube, I paid tribute to Sir George Martin, producer of the Beatles, who died on the 8th of March by singing 'Yesterday' by the Beatles. See it here:

For those of you that don't know, The Beatles are my favourite band, there is no real reason as to why I like them so much, but they have always been my favourite band and so hearing that the man who had so much impact into so many of their great hits had died came as such a sad revelation to me. I wouldn't necessarily say it was a shock, as he was now 90 however it is still awful news all the same.

The first CD I ever owned was '1' by the Beatles which was a compilation of most of their number 1 hits, and so their songs have really stuck with me for a long time. The song 'Yesterday' is one of my favourites and I even have some of the lyrics to it on my bedroom wall.

In 2011, I was lucky enough to see Paul McCartney live at the O2 which was an incredible experience for me as, of course, it was the closest I could ever get to seeing The Beatles live.

My ukulele, which I played in the video, has the Beatles faces on it however you may not be alble to see that.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Listen To The Beatles
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Chapter 52: A Whole Year

Hey Guys,

So this week on YouTube I celebrated a whole year of me doing 'Dear...' Videos

You can see that here:

And a playlist of all my 'Dear...' Videos HERE

When I uploaded the first Dear... video on the 8th March 2015 I was half nervous and half excited to see how it would go and I never imagined that I would have made 52 weekly videos.

Making these videos was just a way to document the things that I was doing and gain something to do in my spare time, I used Carrie, Tom & Gi's format as a way of getting started and it just kind of stuck.

On the 28th June 2015, Tom Fletcher uploaded a video in which he mentioned me when I was only about 17 videos in.

I'm now a whole year in and I'm still having ideas for videos and hope to keep going for at least one more year, Thankyou to anyone who has actually watched them.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Celebrate Achievements,
and Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Chapter 51: The Hidden Message


-This shouldn't be here...but I wanted the next post to be Chapter 52...this may become something real at some point...but it will be hidden under a load of posts.-

Okay, so the time has come for me to do something here, and that something is...to reveal my all time favourite song ever....this is it, watch it, enjoy it, love it.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Stop Waiting For This,
Make Someone's Dreams Come True,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x