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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Chapter 100: The One-Hundredth One!

Hello my lovelies,

I thought for my 100th post, I'd throwback to the very first one and answer those questions again.

'Welcome to whatever this is.

Allow me to answer a few questions about myself for you.'

Who Am I?
Hi, I'm Mitch, I'm now 17, I am currently studying A2 Drama and Media at Cowes Enterprise College and I am arguably the happiest, craziest and most enthusiastic person that has ever existed.

What do I do to make money?
I am currently unemployed. I loved mt job at the kitchen of a great place called The Harbour Kitchen on Cowes High Street (I highly recommend eating there, it's awesome). I've also just finished working with a company called HumanUtopia , running summer camps around England.

What do I like to do?
My two largest passions are Acting and Watching TV, I am part of an acting group called the Isle Of Wight Shakespeare Company and I've just finished my eighth play with them, Romeo and Juliet. I am currently about to perform on the second run of One Man, Two Guvnors with The Southbank Theatre Company. As I mentioned before, I also love watching TV, I like to call it market research and I think it's perfectly fine that I have a detailed schedule of what to watch and when it is on, I've just finished writing a one man autobiographical show about this. You may also be aware that I have a little youtube channel where I upload little fun videos that range from Vlogs, to Challenges, to Sit down conversations mostly directed towards Tom Fletcher from McFly, His sister Carrie Hope Fletcher and his wife Giovanna Fletcher.

What do I want to do?
You'll be surprised to hear that what I'd like to do in the future is be an actor and TV presenter or a drama teacher. I'm also considering the prospect of going to work with Humanutopia full time.

So, What is this?
This was a way to give my little collection of subscribers a bit more of me as well as being something that I need to do for my Media course... Turns out I didn't need it for media, so I kept it going for YouTube anyway. In terms of content...I'm still not sure...Much like my YouTube channel you could find all sorts here...there could be Strong opinions, rants, creative writing, video updates, posts about videos, early access to videos occasionally and probably lots of generic Blog thingys, Although at the moment it tends to be mostly posts about my YouTube videos.

This is Me...At Privet Drive
'So again, Welcome to whatever this is' and...

Until Next time,
Stay Happy,

Redo Something,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Chapter 99: Romeo & Juliet

Hey guys,

So this week I introduced you to the cast of Romeo & Juliet:

I don't really have anything to talk about here, so I'll leave you to enjoy the video.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Watch The Video,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Chapter 98: The Brighton Color Run!

Hey Guys,

Let me start by clearing up the spelling of 'Color', Basically, The Color Run is an American Brand and therefore spells colour wrong.

This week on YouTube, I kinda vlogged the Brighton Color Run:
On here I thought I'd tell you more.

So, 17th September, Myself, Sammy, Jack and Jamie travelled to Brighton to take part in the Brighton Color Run (Presented by Skittles), on the train we played Game of Life, I lost, Sammy won. We arrived in Brighton, stupidly ate a McDonald's, walked past Alfie Deyes' Dad and made our way along the seafront to the start line. We joined in the rave and the warm-up and then wandered to the start. There was paint throwing, Mexican waves and shouting and men dressed as chickens, ostriches and in tutus.

The run began, and there was a hill and 5 colour zones and paint and people going crazy, there was a drumming band at the turning round point. we cog covered in paint and got given paint pouches and a load of skittles and we definitely ran the whole way.

We took the long journey home, we didn't play Game of Life, because I deleted it after losing, I annoyed Jamie, and Sammy & Jack spoke to other passengers.

Arrived in Southampton, said Good Evening to too many people and bought a Soda Shaq from Co-op and got on the Red Jet, with Matt Wood...

Got off, Took Jamie to a mental Party and went home.

Footage was lacking because my phone and (not)GoPro got full...quickly...but it was great fun, would recommend.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Get Colourful,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Chapter 97: Schemetember (2016 Goals)

Hey Guys,

So, My good ol' friend Georgia over at 
Saltwater Sunset
 is doing 2016 Goals blog posts, in which she outlines that she will be setting herself goals every month, and then she gave a list of her goals.

I think this is a really cool idea, so, complete with awful punny titles, I shall give my own goals...
These will be on the 15th of each month









    • Run a Successful Final HARmony camp
    • Watch 'Click'
    • Write (at least) up to and including scene 5 of my play
    • Feel good after my first driving lesson

    SCHEMETEMBER: Scheme into September...go with it...please

      • Watch 'Click'
      • Write (at least) up to and including scene 7 of my play
      • Get a job
      • Perform my One man Show and feel happy about it

            Health/Fitness/Hygiene/Grooming Focus for the month
            This Month it is - Walk More

            I've only started with a small list as I want to make sure I'm setting achievable targets.

            In October, I will review my success of 'Schemetember', and then create a new list of goals for October, which will have an even worse pun.

            Until Next Time,
            Stay Happy,
            Set Goals,
            And Goodbye.

            Mitch x

            Sunday, 11 September 2016

            Chapter 96: Oooooh, I'm also a Writer!

            Hey Guys,

            So this week, I did a Q&A about my play:

            I thought, that too accompany it, I would tell you about the play that I'm writing...but I've already done that, about 5 weeks ago...sooo, instead I'm gonna talk about a One Man show that I'm starting to develop.

            Yesterday I attended a work shop run by friend and fellow actor Olly Fry with the intention of running a number of one man autobiographical shows on the 7th October...

            Mine will focus on my love and slight obsession with TV, The scheduling of it and impressions and voices that have influenced my daily life and how that has made me who I am today.

            At the moment it's looking really fun with lots of impressions, props, games and ridiculousness, but I obviously don't want to reveal too much of it right now.

            Until Next Time,
            Stay Happy,
            Do Something,
            And Goodbye.

            Mitch xx

            Sunday, 4 September 2016

            Chapter 95: Gene Wilder, A Legend

            Hey Guys,

            So this week I paid tribute to the absolute legend Gene Wilder after his passing on Monday by singing 'Pure Imagination' from 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory':

            Today I thought I write about how Gene Wilder managed to escape my Heroes/Inspirations list two weeks ago .

            It's important to note that it would be impossible to list everyone that I classed as a hero or inspiration onto that list, and also that there is a difference between favourite celebrities and heroes or inspirations.

            Since uploading that video/blog post, I have remembered many people that could and should be on the list as well as those that I think I just really like as opposed to them being my heroes, these people include:

            Gene Wilder
            Robbie Williams
            John Lennon
            Sam & Mark
            David Tennant
            Paddy McGuinness
            Rob Brydon
            Rhett & Link
            Dick & Dom
            Jason Manford
            Peter Dickson
            David Walliams

            All of these people have influenced me (as well as those on the original list) but may or may not count as heroes or inspirations where the others do. The list that was in the video took me a while to sculpt as I really wanted it to be right, people like Robbie Williams and David Tennant were actually on the list at one point but were swapped out for those who I felt were more of heroes and inspirations to me (Gary Barlow and Ricky Gervais respectively).

            I think it's important to realise that the term 'hero' or 'inspiration' can not and should not be thrown around all over the place, and it should be remembered that you can be influenced by someone or be a fan of someone without them necessarily being your hero, and someone can be a hero/inspiration without directly influencing you (E.g. Eddie the Eagle has not at all influenced me to become a ski jumper, but his persistence has influenced me)

            Until Next Time,
            Stay Happy,
            Miss A Legend,
            And Goodbye.

            Mitch xx