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Sunday, 21 August 2016

Chapter 93: Heroes!

Hey Guys,

So this week on YouTube I introduced you to some of my biggest heroes and inspirations:

I thought I'd accompany that with saying why it is that my heroes are celebrities. Let's say, there is a room full of people and they all need to answer the question 'Who is your hero?', Lots will say family members, usually one of their parents or quite often a grandparent; Some will say friends or colleagues, possibly even a boss and then some will say a mentor, teacher or other professional role model. The people, however, that don't seem to come up as often as expected are celebrities, this could be because many people don't agree with the celebrity status or because celebrities almost feel like characters and therefore are not achievable goals.

The reason my biggest heroes are celebrities is because they have succeeded, they've got to where they wanted to be and, for me, that shows that it's possible. I could use family or friends or mentors as heroes, but more often then not, they've given up on their dreams or haven't got to exactly where they had hoped and for me that is not showing that you can get to where you want.

Of course, I look up to the family, friends and mentors in my life, but mainly to see the mistakes they've made as more of a learning curve than an inspiration or hero.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Have Heroes,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

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