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Sunday, 23 October 2016

Chapter 105: Carrie is 24! & The Christmasaurus

Hey Guys,

So this week I celebrated Carrie's 24th Birthday:
This is the third time I've done a video like this, with the previous 2 being for Tom and Gi.
I enjoyed doing this one more as there was more to say.

What I mean is, where Tom and Gi were born in the same year, lots of their information was the same and so the videos had some similar information in them but with Carrie it was a completely different year all together.

There isn't much more for me to add to this so I will say that the reading of 'The Christmasaurus' by Tom Fletcher is going really well. I'm really enjoying reading it which is something quite strange for me as I'm not a huge reader. The strangest part is that it seems really childish when I'm reading it in terms of it's style, for example it uses silly words and breaks the 4th wall (is that a thing with books?..I don't know) but the vocabulary still seems quite advanced and it is very much like a good read. I would definitely Recommend!

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Sing Happy Birthday,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

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