This week I spoke a lot about nothing:
I've always been a fan of Comic and Sport relief and have always made an effort to do something, whether that be wearing a skirt to school or running round a field for a bit. I feel that it's a fantastic charity that really makes a difference.
As somewhat of a comedian myself, I am more drawn to Comic Relief and the events that happen on the night and am hugely looking forward to this years telethon (24th March) as I know they are stripping back a bit and focussing more on comedy, with all the hosts being comedians this year.
2017 seemed like the right year to do something extreme and so a head shave seemed like the perfect thing. I, like my uncles, will be bald (with a beard, of course) and I am raising money and would appreciate if you could give what you can for the cause.
Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Raise Money,
And Goodbye.
Mitch xx
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