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Saturday, 1 April 2017

Chapter 132: The Loves of Cass McGuire REVIEW

Hey Guys,

Last Night I had the opportunity to watch The Loves Of Cass McGuire at the Apollo Theatre. I'm not a regular in the audience at the Apollo so I was looking forward to seeing the high quality theatre that I had been assured they create.
The stage looked absolutely amazing, it's been a while since I've seen a legitimate fixed set for a play on the Island, so props to the production team there.  From reading the synopsis, this play, I was curious to see what it all meant and how so many different personalities could work together on one stage, I was not disappointed.
Despite not featuring in the play that much, Mother was played by Cynara Crump quite well. She was particularly good at acting death and not reacting to the other actors or what they were saying, it was clear that her research had had an effect on the part. Andrew Butcher played Dom excitedly and really gave the audience a real sense of his journey. Occasionally things he would do would distract you from the other characters speaking which seemed unnecessary. Tessa was played by Ellen Lamplough-Birch, who was perfectly portraying the warmth and caring nature of a care-home nurse, she wasn't too patronising and was nice to watch. Ginnie Orrey perfectly played the short appearance of Mrs Butcher. Mrs Butcher was a great contrast to the other care home residents, as well as being a great reflection of how Cass used to be.
Graham Brown was particularly good at showing the different moods of Pat. He was someone who I really enjoyed watching on stage as he was very animated and expelled huge amounts of character within his short bursts on stage. Trilbe, was played by Carole Crow in a way that reminded me of Helen Mirren. Carole has the most expressionate face of anyone I've ever watched on stage, which meant you could tell what Trilbe was thinking and feeling even when she wasn't speaking. David Stradling was quite possibly my favourite as Mr Ingram. David is a very good storyteller and had amazing characterisation. I found myself laughing with every line he said, where usually some lines would be lost, his all triumphed.
The last time I saw Stuart Egan, he was playing an hysterical farmer in Jack and The Beanstalk, this time, however, he was a soft and warm Harry. Stuart was perfect at conveying a father figure torn between his wife and his sister. In addition to all of that, he nailed the Irish accent as well. Stuart also had a great relationship with Glenys Lloyd Williams who played his wife Alice. Glenys was motherly and had really worked hard to understand her relationships with the other characters and despite a questionable Irish accent, was still a pleasure to watch.
But the Undeniable star of the show was Fiona Gwinnett as Cass McGuire. She was brilliant at portraying such a range of different personalities, sometimes she was funny, sometimes despicable and often surprisingly touching, and on occasion, brought tears to my eyes. The American twang on her accent really helped to give the sense of character and separation from the others and her parts that were directly to the audience were personal and intimate, I often felt as though she was looking right at me when she delivered them. The sheer brilliance of Fiona was clear from the vast number and length of the lines in which she had to deliver and how she managed to learn all of those is a true credit to her commitment to the show.
Not to be forgotten of course is director, Maureen Sullivan who I feel really pushed the limits in order to deliver a fantastic cast and a wonderful story by Brian Friel. Although the first half was slow to get moving, the second was absolutely perfect and had me gripped throughout and left me wanting to know more, especially about Dom and Mrs Butcher.
Overall, it was an enjoyable and touching piece of theatre which really resonated with me and would recommend it to anyone who can make the last showing tonight (1st Apr).

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Talk To An Older Relative,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Chapter 131: 50 Facts about me

Hey guys,

Not a load of time to give you a full post this week, but there is a review coming next week for you to enjoy.

This week on YouTube I indulged myself and revealed to you 50 facts about me:
I hope you enjoy it.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Indulge Yourself,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Chapter 130: What is Comic Relief?!

Hey Guys,

This week I had my hair shaved off for Comic Relief:
On here I thought I'd talk about what Comic Relief is.

Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK, with a vision of a just world, free from poverty. They work all year round to help make their vision a reality. And in the years since they started out in 1985, with the support of some remarkable people, they've achieved amazing things and raised over £1 billion.

Red Nose Day is a day on which people up and down the country hold events with the purpose of collecting money to donate to Comic Relief. There is also a live telethon which includes sketches, music, and comedy as entertainment and as a way to get people to donate.

You can watch this on BBC1 on Friday at 7pm.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
and Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Chapter 129: Why was I at Britain's Got Talent?!

Hey Guys,

So this week I vlogged my trip to Trafalgar Square:
On here I thought I'd explain what was going on.

Every year Britain's Got Talent opens with a Piece to camera/sketch/performance type thing, this year it was filmed in Trafalgar Square and I was invited to join in, I was told to wear red, white and blue so found my most outlandish red white and blue and I headed to London.

On arrival we watched the choreographer run through the performance that would happen during the opening sequence multiple times as different aspects and performers arrived, we also watched the crew set up barriers and do mic checks.

Eventually everyone was filtered into the barrier pen, and I was lucky enough to get right near the front. Then the military players turned up, featuring last years winner, Magician Richard Jones. They repeated the opening a few more times and then Ant and Dec arrived.

They spoke to us for a bit and then got straight into filming their speech. Following a turbulent year in politics, it was clear that they were playing on this for their performance this year as they took to a plinth and began making their campaign promise. It was clear in parts of their speech that there were going to be cut-aways to sketches filmed elsewhere, so I look forward to seeing the final edited cut when BGT airs later this year.

This was an awesome opportunity to be part of and I'm really looking forward to sharing a screen with Ant & Dec, although, if its not edited in a way where we both feature together, then I'll be happy in the knowledge that I was there and I was filming with them.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Do Something Awesome,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Friday, 10 March 2017

Chapter 128: Into The Woods REVIEW!

Hey Guys,
Yesterday evening I got the chance to see Christ The King's production of Into The Woods.
This was the first time I've seen anything from CTK so I did not know what to expect, however being a fan of Into The Woods (and someone that wants to put it on in the future) I had high hopes and expectations.
The show was staged very well, comprised of 3 platforms it gave a nice element of levels to the performance. There was a small area for projection which was used well to show the Giant and the sky and there was a very creative way to show Cinderella's Mother's Tree which was done with a rail and a collection of Umbrellas with vines on a pulley system. The only downside was the bark on the stage, which although gave a nice effect, had to be dodged from time to time as it flew off the stage and into the audience, it also had an aroma to it which suggested it was new bark, but I quickly adapted to that and enjoyed the show regardless.
I was surprised by the standard of performance as you often find that school productions struggle to find enough cast with acting talent, let alone the ability to sing, especially with the difficulty that some of the songs in this musical possess, but everyone, even those who seemed less confident, blew me away.
Nathan Stubbings as Jack, was very good, he fitted the part well and looked like he enjoyed playing it, which I like to see when watching theatre, there was a moment, after his onstage mum had died, where we were close to seeing real tears from him; This was something else I loved about him, he was equally as tear jerking as he was funny and it showed real talent at conveying a range of emotion. His mother, played by the incredible Olivia Garner, was how I've always imagined Jack's Mother to be in this production, she was the perfect mix of caring and head strong and was also very funny, I find comedy is quite hard to pull off on stage without sacrificing the quality of acting, but Olivia pulled this off perfectly. Special mention should go to Helene Jeugens and Leah Blair who played their pet cow, Milky White, often underrated but not easy to make a cow's head look so alive, I believe they also puppeteered the birds which was also done well.
Katharine Burton was diamond casting for Little Red Riding Hood, her personality was really woven into the character and made for some truly great and funny moments on stage. It really did feel so natural and innocent while at the same time being so cheeky. 
Ben Baker, playing The Baker, was perhaps my favourite highlight overall, although seeming quite nervous to start with, he quickly gained confidence and gave an incredible performance which got better as we went through the show. Jasmine Brooks played his wife and she was astounding. She was great at singing, great at acting and so ridiculously funny. Annie Sussman played the witch and other than the cheesy witch nose, was brilliant, she really was evil and her shrill scream and cackle set the perfect mood onstage, She was particularly good at being remorseful when she was transformed into her ordinary self. Her daughter, Rapunzel, was played by Holly Foskett in a strangely erratic way, it really gave that sense of being locked in a tower for a long time and if that's what they were going for, then it was a very creative interpretation of the character, which I particularly enjoyed, it was perfectly uncomfortable to watch, in the best way possible.
Charlie Doorbar and Rees Cooper played Cinderella's Prince and Rapunzel's Prince respectively and were a great comedy pairing on stage. It was clear that they were less confident with the singing, which they used to their advantage, channelling a sort of westlife-esque approach to their songs. What pleased me most about them however was their invisible horse routines and their chemistry as a pair. Cinderella's Prince was assisted by his steward, slightly overplayed by Nico Voigtmann, who I felt was giving a bit too much, his performance as the wolf however, was perfect; It was creepy and disturbing to watch which is exactly how the wolf should be and Nico really knew how to work the stage in that scene, in fact, him and Katharine(LRRH) worked incredibly well together in that scene.
Yasmin Humphreys played the narrator and had the character down to a tee, but was let down by needing her lines onstage, but this was made to look like she was recalling the story so did just about work for me, regardless, she was very good in the role. Miss Shyvers played the giant and was great at getting the angry tone across with the help of some voice distortion, really enjoyed the way in which they showed the giant though projection of just the eyes. Jake Bushnell played the Mysterious man, who was, well, mysterious. Jake did well at making the character cryptic and was very clear and loud.
Laura Jones and Hollie Dunstan were 'ugly sisters' Florinda and Lucinda and were very entertaining to watch, perfectly evil, perfectly funny and brilliantly blind and grovely at the end, their mother, Cinderella's Stepmother, played by Faith Bampton, was also good, albeit a bit quiet at most points.
Cinderella's Mother was played by Hannah Knowles whose voice was beautiful in a part that is very tricky for the best of singers, and she nailed it, It was like they had casted two Cinderellas, which I think was a clever move. Cinderella however, was actually played by Joella Maddin who suited the part very well, another who was good at both singing and acting and had a particularly great moment at the end with The Baker, LRRH and Jack as they came together. 
Ms Reed-Birks, Mr Gray, Mrs Downer and Mr Thompson did a fantastic job of directing/coordinating the show. James Cooper's lighting designs were always perfect for the scenes and the rest of the crew had clearly put so much effort into the show. A massive well done to all of the Orchestra, who played a rather difficult score, incredibly well my only wish would have been that the cast were a bit louder as they were occasionally drowned out by the music.
Overall I really enjoyed the production and look forward to seeing what CTK produce next.
A final congratulations to all of the cast and crew and thank you for an enjoyable evening.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Review A Show,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Chapter 127: Writing With Paul McCartney?!?

Hey Guys,

So this week I performed a song that I wrote with Paul McCartney:
Obviously it's clear that I didn't exactly write it with him, but while watching clips I saw them come up with the lyrics and thought it was a good basis for a chorus and so I adapted it over a couple of weeks to create that song. Everything in the song other that the first 4 lines of the chorus is my own work and I was incredibly proud to create a song as I've tried lots before and not quite been able to get something that I thought was remotely good.

I hope that Paul McCartney/Graham Norton someday find out about this song/video as I feel like it would be cool for them to see that it went somewhere.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Write A Song,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Chapter 126: The Last Dear Video!

Hey Guys,

So this week on YouTube I gave you my last Dear... Video:

On here I thought I'd talk you through this fairly simple decision.

Basically, I've been piggy backing of Carrie, Tom and Gi's format for 2 years now and I think it's time for me to start doing my own thing. It's been great being a part of this and being recognised by all 3 of them on Social Media.

I am looking forward to having my own new way to open a video...which I haven't decided on yet so it could be a number of things, but also to having more fun with thumbnails and end slates.

Here's to it all going well.

Here is a playlist of my favourite videos from the last 2 years:


Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Do Something New,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Chapter 125: Jack & The Beanstalk REVIEW

Hey Guys,

So Yesterday I was lucky enough to get to watch The Wight Strollers Annual Pantomime, which this year was 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The show was, as usual, in aid of local charities and was an absolutely incredible. Alan P Frayn was once again on the top of his game with a great script which was brought to life beautifully.

Musical Director Kim Ball, along with George King and Jamie Woodford opened the show with a medley of music that would be later appearing in the show and continued with great music throughout, and even some fantastic comedy moments from Jamie's sound effects collection, this really set the tone for the slapstick ridiculousness that was to follow. The stage then began to fill with the best of the best Island talent in the form of The Wight Strollers.

First we saw Emily Scotcher, and if I had to be honest with you, I'd say I was worried, Worried that she would not be the princess we know and love but instead, the villain, Piccalilli. I wasn't sure what to expect but from the moment she entered the stage I knew she was going to be brilliant. In her Steampunk-esque costume she gave the audience a run for their money as she perfectly reacted to their boos and hisses from the start and throughout.
This was quickly contrasted however, when Shannon Crouch joined her onstage as Fairy Sugardust in a role that could not be more of a polar opposite. Everytime she entered the stage she was greeted by cheers with was unexpectedly really rather pleasant and I found myself enjoying her performance more every time I saw her.
Interestingly, Piccalilli was not the only villain in this performance as it seemed the strollers had decided to go all out with their bad guys this year. Andy Ball was fantastic and possibly my favourite character as Rancid the Ratman who, to me, was reminiscent of Timothy Spall does Fagin from Oliver Twist and was absolutely superb and his musical numbers somehow made me feel oddly warm inside, I also found myself feeling bad for him towards the end. You could say that Alex Riley and Elisa Jones as Snatchet and Scarper respectively were also acting as bad guys with their threats toward Jack's family but as much as they were baddies they were equally funny with a number of comedic routines and of course that unforgettable laugh that they had the audience doing with them. I really did look forward to them returning to the stage. The last villain to mention is Buster Gut-Bucket, the Giant,  voiced by last years dame, David Kast who delivered the voice well, throughout I was wondering how they would do the giant and in the end I settled for it just being a voice, what came later was a huge puppet at a huge table with a huge chair, I was very impressed.
Dame Dotty Dimple, played by Dame Veteran John Woodford was a sight to behold, complete with the standard costume changes with the not so standard costumes, which all looked amazing and one of which having a Dora the Explorer does 80s Neon. She was your classic panto dame and was fantastic to watch, especially when she started flirting with the audience. She formed a perfect double act with Director Sarah Scotcher as Goldie Goldtop in routines that even the cold hearted would have to laugh at. Sarah Scotcher stormed the stage on a number of occasions as the queen of Innuendo and made me feel on a number of occasions like I had come to an 18+ Panto...That was until I heard the young girl in front of me ask her parents why she needed the suction cups!
The scene in the dairy had me in buckets of laughter (pardon the pun) as I tried my hardest to work out what was a scripted gaff and what was a real gaff in a scene full of mistakes(or was it?) Of course in this scene Dotty and Goldie were joined by Stuart Egan & Rob Jones as the equally amusing farmers (and owners of the suction cups) and the fantastic cows, Ruby Barnett as Rosebud, Hannah Knowles as Blossom and Abbie Knowles as Daisy May along with the Star Cow Buttermilk, played superbly by Manda Emmerson & Daisy Croain. Now also seems like the perfect time to mention Patrick 'Patch' Barry who played Not A Scaredy Simon, Simon but A Simple Simon, Simon in the absolute perfect, ridiculous and utterly stupid way that only Patch Barry can, he truly was perfect casting for this part.
The bumbling ageing King Hubert was played marvellously by Tim Smith and I thoroughly enjoyed watching him mixing up his sentences and showing the king to be past his time and his wife, Queen Hyacinth,  was quite clearly the power in their relationship and masterfully played by Amanda Gregory. They were headed by their herald, Humphrey played with charm and warmth by the lovely Ches Checkley-Hill.
The Chorus were brilliant as usual but this time, which I found a welcome change, were used a bit more and had more of an impact in the overall show which was great to see. The choreography team, headed by Cheryl Rudd had once again excelled with all of the routines in this production and all the dancers, whether they be Senior, Junior or baby dancers did incredibly well.
The baby dancers were absolutely adorable during their rendition of 'How Does Your Garden Grow' and even had me singing Old MacDonald with them, who'd have thought he had a slug and a tangarang on his farm!
The Junior Dancers were spectacular and always unexpected when they shot in from the wings without warning, especially Sophie Frost, who despite an injury and a pink cast, still performed to the high standard of everyone else.
The Senior Dancers, Ella, Lulu, Maddison and Izzi were spellbinding in all of their dances but no more so than in the beanstalk growing dance which I found captivating and somewhat psychedelic to watch which is a good thing, despite how it sounds, it was out of this world.
The 'If I Were Not In Pantoland!' routine was my highlight of the show, Tim, Sarah, John, Amanda, Patch and Ches as The King, Goldie, Dotty, The Queen, Simon and Humphrey delivered a comedy gold performance with perfect timing and movement and I was really in fits of laughter as I watched so it had to get a mention here.
Every panto needs a perfect princess and who did the Strollers have this time round? The astounding Beth Batchelor! She played Princess Primrose amazingly and looked stunning. Her beautiful voice resonated throughout the theatre when she spoke and sang and I even found myself falling in love with her at the end, but that honour went to Jack, who was played with pure class by the incredible Michael Mullin, A true star who fitted the role perfectly. He had me in laughter and he had me backing him all the way but surprisingly of all, he had me in tears as he sang 'I Can Go The Distance'.
The people behind the Set construction and Scenery design should also be applauded for an incredibly delightful stage dressing. But, star of the backstage show has to be Karen Cassford and her wardrobe team for all of the amazing costumes, all of which were made from scratch and looked so much better than anything you could buy.
This show was quite possibly one of the best pantomimes I've ever seen and I'm so glad I have finally watched a Wight Strollers production and will definitely be back next year.

For now, I'd love to thank and congratulate every one who was part of this show either on or off stage on such a brilliant and entertaining night. Good Job 

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Watch A Show,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Chapter 124: Hats!

Hey Guys,

So this week I did a sort of Hat Haul:

On here I thought I'd give you some insight into why I have so many hats.

I suppose what it is, is that I just end up with them all and keep them for memories sake.

I explained why I have them all in the video and the fact that I only really wear one of them regularly is firstly a good thing, but also shows that I have that one for a genuine reason whereas others have been impulse buys, gifts or parts of costumes.

I don't have as much to say about hats as I thought, so,

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Wear A Hat,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Chapter 123: Valentine's Day!

Hey Guys,

So this week I sang 'Love How It Hurts' by Scouting For Girls to celebrate Valentine's Day:

On here I thought I'd talk to you about Love...

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I've been single since 2011 and find getting into a relationship really difficult. Until 2015 I hadn't really had an attraction to anyone but over the recent years I have found myself 'liking' people but not being able to muster up any courage to take it any further, either that, or they've turned me down, or I've found out they like someone else which really knocks you down a bit.

For the first time in a while, I really want to have a counterpart, someone I can love and have that love reciprocated but unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds...unless you're anyone other than me it seems.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say #FindLoveForMitch XD

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Chapter 122: A Big Shave!

Hey Guys,

This week I spoke a lot about nothing:
On here I thought I'd tell you more about my Comic Relief Challenge

I've always been a fan of Comic and Sport relief and have always made an effort to do something, whether that be wearing a skirt to school or running round a field for a bit. I feel that it's a fantastic charity that really makes a difference.

As somewhat of a comedian myself, I am more drawn to Comic Relief and the events that happen on the night and am hugely looking forward to this years telethon (24th March) as I know they are stripping back a bit and focussing more on comedy, with all the hosts being comedians this year.

2017 seemed like the right year to do something extreme and so a head shave seemed like the perfect thing. I, like my uncles, will be bald (with a beard, of course) and I am raising money and would appreciate if you could give what you can for the cause.


Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Raise Money,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Chapter 121: Jamie Stinton!

Hey Guys,

So this week I eventually uploaded a video that I've had since November:

Eventually has two meanings in this situation...one, because it's been ages since we filmed it and two, that it's been ages since Sunday...Basically, my internet was refusing to be consistent enough to upload a video but all is good now.

On here I thought I'd talk about Jamie.

Jamie is one of my best friends. He is a year younger than me but that doesn't seem to put anything between us. For a couple of years now people have pointed out comparisons between us and have said that we are older/younger versions of each other...This is a compliment for me really.

Jamie can be a right dick sometimes, but when he's not, he is the best person to be around because he's so genuine and kind and occasionally funny too.

This walk was so much fun and I really enjoyed spending the time with my bro and my good friend.

What a legend.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Appreciate Someone,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Chapter 120: The NTAs 2017

Hey guys,

So I've just been watching this years NTAs

Once again, my votes did not prevail...however I'm still happy with the results.

MY NOMINATION (if different from winner)

Challenge Show:
I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here
The Apprentice
Love Island
The Great British Bakeoff

As my vote, I'm delighted this show won, such a great series in 2016 and so deserving of the win. A shame for the Last BBC Bakeoff, but should have definitely won over the others.

The Big Bang Theory
Orange Is The New Black
Mrs. Brown's Boys

Other than OITNB, I'm a fan of all of these, was a tough call between Mrs. Brown and Benidorm when voting, but I felt like I enjoy Benidorm more, but I am delighted with Mrs. Brown taking it home.

Game Of Thrones
Cold Feet
Happy Valley
The Night Manager

A huge shock for me as I knew there was tough competition in this category, As the only one I'd seen, Cold Feet was the only fair vote for me. Shocked that GoT didn't win despite not being a personal fan, and even more shocked that Casualty won it, being what I would say was the underdog.

Period Drama
Stranger Things
Peaky Blinders
Call The Midwife

Again, for a fan of this genre, a tough option, fortunately I am not and the only one I've seen any of was Stranger Things. Heard great things about Victoria and Poldark but at the end of the day, the voting public love a classic, and Call The Midwife seems to have been around for ages with an enormous fan base, well deserved for them.

Talent Show
The X Factor
Britains Got Talent
Strictly Come Dancing

Loved them all this year so didn't really mind the winner, Obviously would have preferred my vote to win, but Ed Balls dancing in sequins is hard to beat, and it was a fitting award for the end of Len Goodman's Strictly Judging career.

Factual Entertainment
Paul O'Grady: For The Love Of Dogs
Making A Murderer
Tattoo Fixers

Huge Gogglebox fan so did not mind a bit that they won. Such a shame for Tattoo Fixers as I also love them too. Paul O'Gtady is a legend so he missed out big time and I met Nick Knowles in 2016 so DIY SOS missing out hurt fot that reason. Overall, pleased with the result and delighted that Steven and Chris collected the award, but would have loved it to be Tattoo Fixers.

Live Magazine Show
This Morning
BBC Breakfast
Loose Women
Sunday Brunch
The One Show

Couldn't be happier for This Morning, by far the best of the nominees and so deserving of the win. Love Phil and Holly (and Eamonn) and so another reason why I voted for them and why I'm so glad they won.

Drama Performance
Jenna Coleman (Victoria)
Sarah Lancashire (Happy Valley)
Tom Hiddleston (The Night Manager)
Cillian Murphy (Peaky Blinders)

Not seen any of these shows but voted purely because I know that Sarah is an amazing actress. Was stunned to discover that Tom had done some TV stuff, but not enough for it to make me vote him, it didn't seem right. Loved Jenna in Doctor Who but felt like I had to go with Sarah, and it was a good choice.

Entertainment Programme
The Last Leg
The Graham Norton Show
Saturday Night Takeaway
Celebrity Juice

Absolutely love all of these programmes so did not care who won, absolutely knew that SNT would win but thought I'd vote for something else anyway, and of them all, The Last Leg was probably the one that I enjoy watching most.

Faye Brookes (Coronation Street)
Lloyd Everitt (Casualty)
Duncan Jones (Hollyoaks)
Tilly Keeper (Eastenders)

As an Eastenders fan, it would be wrong for me to not vote for Tilly, but my decision was helped by the fact that she's really good. I'm sure Faye did a fantastic job in Corrie to give her the overall win, but I'm a tad gutted on this one as Tilly has done so well this year with the huge Peggy and Phil Mitchell storylines and the more recent Ronnie and Roxy storyline.

Serial Drama Performance
Jack P. Sheppard (Coronation Street)
Danny Miller (Emmerdale)
Lacey Turner (Eastenders)
Natalie J. Robb (Emmerdale)

Rare for me to be happy with the shortlist nominees in this category and despite being a die hard Enders fan, I still know how good the other three are, all of them deserved the win here, but I'm so glad that Lacey got it. It's been great to see her back on the square and winning awards again.

TV Judge
Mary Berry (GBBO)
David Walliams (BGT)
Len Goodman (Strictly)
Nicole Scherzinger (X Factor)
Simon Cowell (X Factor, BGT)

Again love them all so would have been happy whoever won it. Would have been good to see David win it again as it was so funny last time. As a legend in TV Judging, it would have been nice to see Simon win it. Nicole is hilarious so really would have deserved it and it would have been lovely for Len to win it for his last series of Strictly however my vote and the award went to Mary, despite this being my first ever watch of GBBO, I loved it, and I've always loved her and considering the end of GBBO (on BBC) it was nice for her to get it this last time.

Serial Drama
Coronation Street

Again, Eastenders had to be my vote for the same reasons and I'm gutted they didn't take it home but I'm so proud of Emmerdale and after winning best Soap at the Soap awards last year (for the first time ever) this was the next big step. The storylines they've tackled recently are incredible so if I was a more religious watcher they may well have actually got my vote. John Middleton who plays Ashley was snubbed for Serial Drama Performance as he has been amazing recently.

The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Chase
Come Dine With Me

Another category where I love them all and would have been happy no matter what (maybe a bit gutted if CDWM won) but The Chase is such a well made programme, with a great host in Bradley Walsh and the Chasers are so much fun so it is a deserving winner.

TV Presenter
Mel & Sue
Ant & Dec
Gary Lineker
James Corden
Rylan Clarke-Neal

Once again, it's a given that Ant & Dec will win this so I decided to give someone else a chance. As a fanboy of James Corden I couldn't help but vote for him despite knowing he had no chance. Not only are they obvious winners, but this year particularly the competition was shocking so it was in the bag but I'm delighted that they've won for a 15th year in a row...You never know, I could be the one to break their streak, but I do love them.

Special Recognition

This one isn't voted for by the public, but I'm so glad that Graham won it because I absolutely love him. Billy Connolly, David Tennant and Ant & Dec(was actually landmark award that year as they'd already won SR) are the previous 3 winners of this award and Graham fits in that category so very well. I absolutely love watching him on the Graham Norton Show and Eurovision and on Let It Shine recently and so he was so deserving of the award. The video package was also outstanding.

and that's it, not a clean sweep for my votes but mostly happy for each result regardless.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Watch TV,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Chapter 119: Be A Donor!

Hey Guys,

So this week I showed you what was in my wallet:

And unexpectedly I asked you all to sign up to be a donor, which was not planned at all.

Over here I thought I'd say why you should do that.

Signing up to be a donor could save someone's life and only takes about 2 minutes to do, unfortunately it's one of those things that people very often want to do but put off until it's too late.

As well as that, it is also on an opt-in scheme which means you are only registered if you sign up which I think should be the other way round, and you have to opt out if you don't wish to be a donor, unfortunately this is yet to be changed.

Please take the time now, to stop what you're doing and sign up, because it could save a life.


Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Be A Donor,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Chapter 118: Celebrity Big Brother!

Hey Guys,

This week I told you who I thought would be in the final of Celebrity Big Brother and who I wanted to win:

I came to the conclusion that I want 1 of 3 to win the show.

James Cosmo
I feel like he is the most deserving of a place in the house and is such a nice guy and for that reason I think he should and could go all the way and win the show.

Coleen Nolan
Out of all of the all stars, she is my favourite, so if one of those has to win, I want it to be her. I think she is misunderstood by many and is a really passionate and caring person who I'd be happy to see win.

Jamie O'Hara
Another new star, who despite playing for Pompey, I have really enjoyed in the house. He is a fun guy who is also very nice but won't let people walk over him which I think is a really nice quality to have.

I would be happy however, if Calum or Jedward won as well.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Watch CBB,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Chapter 117: I'm back...and I'm Sorry!

Hey Guys,

So this week on YouTube I made 3 videos to make up for the weeks I've missed, here's one of them:
In this one I apologise for being away and explain why.

Basically, my computer monitor was refusing to turn on and so I couldn't edit anything, hence the lack of Sweden vlogs and I couldn't film anything on my phone because it was full with Sweden footage that I couldn't transfer to the computer but I'm back.

The reason I haven't posted here is because I hadn't uploaded a video so I didn't really have much to talk about, but fear no more...I am back!

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Chapter 116: Thanks and Vlogs?

Hey Guys and Happy New Year,

So this week on YouTube I tested my brother on the events of MitchMas, you can see that here:
I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to everyone who took part in MitchMas and everyone who watched, it really meant a lot and I really enjoyed doing it.

In this video you will notice I talk about vlogs from Sweden, you may also notice that there hasn't been any...Don't worry, I have been filming, I just haven't edited or uploaded them yet, so bare with me on them.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Start your New Year off with a bang,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x