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Sunday, 25 December 2016

Chapter 115: Let It Go!

Hey Guys,


I hope you enjoyed MitchMas, If you haven't been watching, here is what you've missed this week:

|   Day 19   |   Day 20   |   Day 21   |   Day 22   |   Day 23   |   Day 24   |   Day 25   |

And In Dear videos, this week I sang 'Let It Go' from Frozen:

Over here I thought I'd talk about why I chose this song for my Dear/MitchMas crossover videos as well as a little bit about each MitchMas from this week.

Let It Go is an interesting choice of song this week as I've never actually seen Frozen, I can however appreciate a well written song and I do really like it so it seemed like something that would be quite fun to sing, play and experiment with the song.

So, MitchMas so far:

Day 19 - Mystery Wrap Battle
Did not think that the Sidemen would be inspiring one of my videos when I started this process, but this seemed like a really fun idea to do with My brother, sister and Joe, My sister's boyfriend. I think it really made for an entertaining video.

Day 20- Accented Songs
This was one of the first ideas I had for a video as Myself, Joe and Michael are currently working closely on the next Mechanicals play. As actors I thought it would be fun to play with accents (which I'm usually much better at) and Christmas songs seemed like the best way to incorporate them. Had so much fun filming this one.

Day 21- Top 10 Christmas Films
Joe is a huge film fan and likes reviewing them so I thought I'd pair up with him to discuss our Top Christmas Films, I went down the cheesy route whereas Joe decided to go for the unconventional Christmas films, hose being the ones set at Christmas but not necessarily about Christmas...I should probably note that my Top 5 have changed since that video going Live.

Day 22- 1st Line, Every Line
Olly is a singer and so I thought this video would work well with him. The idea comes from The Late Late Show with James Corden which I decided to Christmasify with Christmas Songs. We had fun filming this out in the woods and it didn't go as badly as I thought it would....Which isn't to say it went amazingly.

Day 23 - Christmas Questions
This was only intended to be a video with My brother and sister but events led to it becoming a much bigger thing with inviting my nan and Grandad to join us as well as Megan. It was really nice to do a proper family video talking about our Christmas days rather than something ridiculous.

Day 24- The Night Before Christmas
I thought I'd read this poem because it was going up on Christmas Eve (The night before Christmas) and I thought I'd show my Christmassy house and some clips from all the videos in MitchMas. I really like watching this one because I get to see all my work for MitchMas in one place and it makes me quite proud.

Day 25- Sonnet 116
I wanted to do a video with Josh Pointing and with him being the best Shakespearean actor I know, I thought that a sonnet reading would be apt so I went on the search for a Christmas Themed one and someone on the internet said that Number 116 was good for Christmas, I still don't quite get why, but there you go.

And that is it for this week,

Tomorrow you will get a selection of Out-Takes from MitchMas and in the coming days I will start uploading Vlogs from my trip to Sweden and on New Year's day a little quiz with my Brother and Sister to see how much attention they have paid to MitchMas with punishments.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Have A Great Christmas,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Chapter 114: Snow Is Falling!

Hey Guys,

I hope you are enjoying MitchMas, If you haven't been watching, here is what you've missed this week:

|   Day 12   |   Day 13   |   Day 14   |   Day 15   |   Day 16   |   Day 17   |   Day 18   |

And In Dear videos, this week I sang 'Merry Christmas Everyone':

Over here I thought I'd talk about why I chose this song for my dear/mitchmas crossover videos as well as a little bit about each MitchMas from this week.

Merry Christmas Everyone by Shakin Stevens is one of my favourite Christmas songs so I thought I'd give it a go this week...It's not perfect because I've never properly played it the whole way through before but I think I did alright on the whole.

So, MitchMas so far:
Day 12 - Most Likely To...
When planning the videos for MitchMas it only seemed right to recreate one of my favourite videos by getting Aaron, Alex, Harry and Sam in to play some more Most Likey To... but this time, with Christmassy things.

Day 13- Flip Cup
The Colour Runners seemed like a fun group of people to do a video with and the idea of Flip Cup, influenced by Jimmy Fallon, seemed like the idea that fitted best, the twist of using Christmassy drinks added to the video and made it one of my favourite videos in MitchMas.

Day 14- Christmas Race
So I got SOJEE back to make up for their not so great video earlier in MitchMas and joined them with Joe Groves (who will be making some appearances very soon) and decided to have a little race with them, to put tinsel on the tree, a bauble on the tree and to wrap up a DVD chosen especially for each person and put that under the tree, it descended into chaos but I did really enjoy doing it.

Day 15- Gingerbread Men
So Darcy and G came back to decorate some gingerbread men, and we actually had fun with it and created some true masterpieces, it was lovely of them to join me again after the epic fail that was the cupcakes, but we had fun, so it was all good.

Day 16 - Would you Rather?
Got the self proclaimed Edgy Rejects in to join Tommy on his Birthday video and we played would you rather with some purposely dodgy editing, was actually quite fun to play along with them and answer some Christmas themed would you rathers.

Day 17- Word Sneak
Two of my favourite people, Tommy and Sammy, joined me and some alcohol to sneak some words into our Christmas conversation, this descended into mad conversations about Rudolph's Lampshade and Santa's Renault Clio and ended with some punishment shots, which for the most part tasted quite nice.

Day 18- Mr & Mrs
Got the lovely Zarmstrong (Zoe and Jack) in to play Mr and Mrs in a very on the spot, in the pub, conversational video which was mostly improvised there and it was actually really fun and quite nice to see them again.

And that is it for this week, so...

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Keep Watching MitchMas,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Chapter 113: Love Actually!

Hey Guys,

I hope you are enjoying MitchMas, If you haven't been watching, here is what you've missed this week:

|   Day 5   |   Day 6   |   Day 7   |   Day 8   |   Day 9   |   Day 10   |   Day 11   |

And In Dear videos, this week I sang 'Christmas Is All Around' from Love Actually:

Over here I thought I'd talk about why I chose this song for my dear/mitchmas crossover videos as well as a little bit about each MitchMas from this week.

Those of you who know me would know that I'm a fan of Love Actually which you'll find out about later in MitchMas too. I didn't think I'd be able to find the chords and lyrics for this version on the same site, but I did and so I had to choose to sing this song...Especially after watching Love Actually this week.

So, MitchMas so far:
Day 5 - Christmas Cupcakes!
Right, so these didn't go well, but they did make for an interesting video. I tried my hardest to find a Christmassy Cupcake mix but the closest I could find were Frozen ones. We tried to cook them in a halogen oven which didn't go completely to plan and The timelapse was not as quick as I hoped.

Day 6- Christmas Quiz
So, SOJEE, they seemed like fun people to film with, but by God was that filming process a nightmare. So many technical difficulties went on which led to a fairly shocking video which I can only apologise for...I have however got them joining me again later in MitchMas to try and make up for the dodgy video.

Day 7- Christmas Yoga
One of the worst ideas I've had for a video...Well, the video was a fun idea, but the costumes are completely regrettable. Good on Ches for joining in with something so ridiculous but it was great fun to film and it is an amusing watch

Day 8- What's in my Mouth
One of my favourite videos from MitchMas so far. I had so much fun filming it with Barry and I really love the parts where we show the audience what we have. I think it's very funny and some of the items we chose really were ridiculous.

Day 9 - Secret Santa

Lovely to do a video like this with the Squad(or most of it) and it was quite fun to film. Although having the memo to wear a Christmas jumper, not everyone remembered and Joe even ended up with Christmas socks on his ears instead...which resulted in being my favourite intro on MitchMas.

Day 10- Celebrity Tweets
I decided to do this video with the guys from The Sunday Roast as it's the kind of thing we get up to on the show and when we are having drinks together. The people chosen were partly those that I knew we would all have fun with and partly chosen by Joe and Lewis because they thought they would have fun with them...which they did. I really loved the Tweets that were made for this video.

Day 11- Who Am I?
I couldn't do MitchMas without including a video with the Girls. I chose to do this video as I thought it would be really fun with this lot. Some of the people/things we chose were harder than we thought, and I didn't think Scrooge would be that hard to guess, but I enjoyed trying.

And that is it for this week, so...

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Keep Watching MitchMas,
And Goodbye.
Mitch xx

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Chapter 112: John Lennon

Hey Guys,

I hope you are enjoying MitchMas, If you haven't been watching, here is what you've missed this week:

|   Day 1   |   Day 2   |   Day 3   |   Day 4   |

And In Dear videos, this week I sang 'Happy Xmas (War Is Over):
Over here I thought I'd talk about why I chose this song for my dear/mitchmas crossover videos as well as a little bit about each MitchMas from this week.

Those of you who know me would know that I'm a fan of The Beatles and so straight away this song was going to be one of the four Christmas Covers I'd do over MitchMas as well as this being one of my favourite Christmas Songs.

So, MitchMas so far:

Day 1 - Top 10 Christmas Songs!
This was a video that was so much harder than I thought it would be because it's so hard to narrow it down to 10, especially when there is two lists to narrow down. I had to do this video with Sammy because he is the biggest fan of Christmas music that I know. Luckily we agreed on 7 of the songs and so it was just a battle between our 6 for the last 3.

Day 2- 2 Truths, 1 Lie.
This video just seemed like a fun idea of something to make more Christmas themed. I chose to do this with Nick because he is my best friend and it just seemed right to see how much we know about each other in the period of time where we wouldn't usually see each other. I also wanted to do this video as I had great Christmas memories.

Day 3- Chubby Reindeer
As one of my best friends, Alfie had to be in a video and it only seemed right to do one where he looked silly. I chose to do this video as I had never done the Chubby Bunny Challenge (which is exactly what this is, just renamed to be more Christmassy). I also decided to mix it up a bit by swapping out the marshmallows for huge marshmallows because, why not.

Day 4- Christmas Scattergories
I love playing this game, despite not knowing the name until I was planning MitchMas but I thought it would make a fun video, I chose to do it with Sam & Sammy as I also pair them up as a sort of double act so I thought it would be nice to have them both in a video together. This one was mostly planned on the spot as I hadn't planned the categories before filming.

And that is it for this week, so...

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Keep Watching MitchMas,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx