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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Chapter 50: Leap Years

Hi Guys,

This week on YouTube, I gave you some suggestions of what to do on the leap day tomorrow: See that here:

On the blog I thought I would tell you why a leap day/year is a thing, so here we go:

A Leap Year is a year, occurring once every four years, which has 366 days including 29 February as an intercalary day. This happens because a complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, but the Gregorian calendar uses 365 days. So leap seconds, leap days and leap years are added as means of keeping our clocks (and calendars) in sync with the Earth and its seasons.

and that is why we have leap years.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

P.S. At the end of the video you would have seen we saying that next weeks video is a special one, that is because it is celebrating 1 whole year of 'Dear...' Videos, look out for that.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Chapter 49: Meet My Media Mains

Hey guys,

Today I wanted to talk to you about a small friendship group that I have that has only recently formed into what I would call a friendship group. These people are a group that I do A-Level Media with and I genuinely enjoy the conversations and usually undesired 'Banter' that I have with them in person, on our facebook chat and in our Skype calls.
This is them:  *All Photos chosen by Ewy*
Here We Are!

Well, There's me, I also take Drama & Geography.
Harry Chapman
Ewan Kingsbury
This is Harry, usually called Barry. He brings some mad banter. He also takes ICT & Psychology.

This is Ewan, usually called Ewy. He's a funny guy and is cooler than the rest of us. He also takes English Lit and Lang & ICT.

Darcy Hedley
Georgia Prangnell
This is Darcy, usually called Darc. She smiles a lot and sometimes laughs. She is also taking History, French & English Lit.

This is Georgia, usually called G. She's a bae & banter ringleader. She also takes Geography, Drama and English Lit.

Lily West
Niall Hall

This is Lily, usually called Lilz. She pretends to be the quieter one of us. She also takes Sociology, Music & Physics.

And This is Niall, The Dankster, who is full of memes. He also takes History, Drama and English Lit.

And that is all of my Media Homies.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Have a Dankster,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xx

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Chapter 48: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs REVIEW

Hi guys,

So Yesterday I was lucky enough to get to watch The Wight Strollers Annual Pantomime, which this year was 'Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs'. The show was, as usual, in aid of local charities and was an absolute belter. Allow me now to review it for you.

The show started with the continually excellent music from George King and Sam Edwards before the stage was swarmed with the best of the best of Island talent in the form of The Wight Strollers.

The opening lines were spoken by a magically captivating Lucinda Rigby as Fairy Fortune, the good fairy and story teller of the show who had the audience on board from her first word. This was her first speaking role with The Wight Strollers since she joined at the age of 4, but you would never know that from the confidence in which she opened the show and interjected into scenes.

Elisa Jones bought an equally impressive performance as villain Queen Avarice. I always feel as though the villain is the hardest part to play as the audience have to dislike you from the very beginning and you must be welcomed to the stage with a sea of boo-ing and hissing, of course off putting for any performer, but Elisa coped with it extraordinarily well and was even taunting the very keen audience. Her musical number had me torn between clapping and boo-ing as I couldn't work out whether I should praise the incredible voice or boo the evil character-Which I loved.

L-R David Kast as Edna Bucket, Michael
Mullin as Chuckles and Me
Edna Bucket, The Panto Dame, Played by David Kast bought an absolutely hilarious performance adding jokes for both children and adults and looked absolutely divine, a favourite part for me was watching Edna mirror Avarice in the mirror as it was perfectly timed and done so well, you could tell they worked hard on it in rehearsals.

Justice Quill and Scribbles played by Stuart Egan and Tim Smith respectively were a perfect pairing and added humour in the form of purposely awful 'dad jokes' and were reminiscent of classic double acts such as The 2 Ronnies, Morecambe & Wise and Enfield & Whitehouse.

Bringing his own brand of ridiculousness to proceedings was comedic genius Michael Mullin as Chuckles whose interaction with the audience had me in laughter often more than his silly jokes and puns. Although the puns were bad they were told perfectly to get the right reaction that puns should, that sort of groany laughter when you don't want to admit something is funny, which is a reaction often made around Michael when he is telling jokes, so he's has plenty of practise.
Me with Nick Weightman
as Merlin of the Mirror

Equally, and surprisingly, hilarious were Nick Weightman's portrayal of his characters. His characterisation of Slurp had the audience and myself in stitches throughout his lines but he really stole the show as Merlin of the Mirror, his deep masculine voice was completely contradicted when Merlin was finally freed from the mirror and what followed was utterly fabulous, A tribute to Freddie Mercury, complete with Pink tank top, leather skirt and hoover, along with Michael Mullin in a musical number never to be forgotten, no matter how much you try.

Me and the Dwarfs L-R Jennifer Hills (Blushful),
Sarah Scotcher (Grumbly), Amanda Gregory (Brainy),
John Woodford (Smiley), Karen Cassford (Snoozy)
Patrick Barry (Dozy) & Rob Jones (Sniffle)
The dwarfs themselves had some of my favourite scenes, whether it be the completely hysterical breakfast scene or the brilliant scenes in the Diamond mine, each was bought to the stage with conviction, stupidity and brilliance, along with a whole host of jokes referring to height. Amanda Gregory headed the troupe with all the confidence you would expect from Brainy. John Woodford was reminiscent of Russell Grant as Smiley which made me extremely happy to watch. Rob Jones as Sniffle had the greatest on stage sneezes I have ever seen and was almost too believable. Karen Cassford as Snoozy had me smiling from ear to ear each time she would fall asleep, at annoyance to the other dwarfs. Jennifer Hills played Blushful in such a way that I was excited to hear every line she said, no matter how few there were, each one was delivered in a beautifully endearing way. Patrick Barry played Dozy in only a way Patrick Barry can, in the most ridiculous and utterly bonkers manner and was so almost my favourite dwarf of the show but that honour went to Grumbly, played insanely well by the usually happy, smiley and lovely Sarah Scotcher, The contrast she had to the other dwarfs was jaw-droppingly side-splitting and the quick-wit and sarcy comments came from her in the most perfect of ways, just her facial expressions were enough to make me laugh, let alone the voice and the lines she was saying.

Harlequin Hodgson-Tuck as Prince Ferdinand,
Myself and Emily Scotcher as Snow White.
But of course no panto is complete without an utterly perfect Prince and Princess, and The Wight Strollers did not disappoint. Prince Ferdinand was played by the drop-dead gorgeous Harlequin Hodgson-Tuck with such prominence and suave-ness and Snow White was played by the glamorously stunning Emily Scotcher who really channeled her inner Disney Princess both on and off stage.

Special Mentions should go to: Lottie & Sarah Harris for their incredible singing as The Mirror Singers; all of the talented dancers; Daisy Croain who made the audience laugh as The Bear; and all of the chorus, especially Ches Checkley-Hill who had more makeup on than the rest of the cast-and looked stunning.

Overall the show was superbly directed by Sarah Scotcher and was written perfectly by Alan P Frayn to get a hell of a lot of comedy, but still not so much that the beautiful story was lost. The people behind the Set construction and Scenery design should also be applauded for an incredibly delightful stage dressing. But, star of the backstage show has to be Karen Cassford and her wardrobe team for all of the amazing costumes, all of which were made from scratch and looked so much better than anything you could buy especially Snow White's wedding dress.

This show was quite possibly one of the best pantomimes I've ever seen and I'm so glad I have finally watched a Wight Strollers production and will definitely be back next year.

For now, I'd love to thank and congratulate every one who was part of this show either on or off stage on such a brilliant and entertaining night.

The Wight Strollers next show will be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and will be performed on the 9th & 10th of July-This is a show not to be missed and tickets are on sale now, you can find them HERE - You better be quick, they'll sell fast.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Go and Watch a Show,
And Goodbye.

Mitch xxx

Chapter 47: Languages

Hello, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Ciao, Hola, Helo

This week on YouTube, Me and my sister learnt some Welsh phrases, see that here:

You can watch the video that helped teach us here.

Today, I thought I would talk about languages.

I think learning a language is a very worthwhile thing to do, it makes travelling way more simple to be able to speak or read the local language, even if you only know a few words or phrases, it is still useful.

I am fluent in no language other than English, but from lessons at school I can say a few words, phrases and sentences in German, French and Spanish...and a tiny bit of Italian.

This post has been intentionally short as I have a review of 'Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs' by The Wight Strollers coming up later today.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Learn a Language,
And Goodbye, Auf Wiedersehen, Au Revoir, Ciao, Adios, Hwyl Fawr.

Mitch xx

Monday, 15 February 2016

Chapter 46: Februaimy (2016 Goals)

Hey Guys,

So, My good ol' friend Georgia over at Saltwater Sunset is doing 2016 Goals blog posts, in which she outlines that she will be setting herself goals every month, and then she gave a list of her goals.

I think this is a really cool idea, so, complete with awful punny titles, I shall give my own goals...
These will be on the 15th of each month


  • Improve my hygiene and grooming routine
  • Start to plan my evenings better to accommodate not only my love of TV, but also schoolwork and online work (planning YouTube Videos, Blog posts)
  • Use Social Media positively rather than an opportunity to waste time
  • Plan exciting things to do

FEBRUAIMY I Told you the puns get worse
  • Continue to improve my hygiene and grooming routine
  • Start setting more time aside for school work in school & at home
  • Start learning lines for the 2 plays that I'm in
  • Get to know people better
I've only started with a small list as I want to make sure I'm setting achievable targets.

In March, I will review my success of 'Februaimy', and then create a new list of goals for March, which will have some kind of pun.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Set Goals,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Chapter 45: The Valentines Tag

Hello guys,

This week This Happened:

Over here, to celebrate Valentines Day,  I thought I'd do the 'Not My Girlfriend Tag' with Georgia.
My answers will be in BLUE and Georgia's will be in PINK, because gender stereotypes.

 1. When/where did we meet? Gurnard Beach, Year 8(2012). Down the beach 3 years ago.
 2. When did you meet my parents? After a Henry IV Rehearsal, with a lift?-Georgia hasn't met mine. You met my parents when I first gave you a lift from Shakespeare rehearsals, kinda met yours in Wetherspoons.
 3. What is the first thing I wish you didn’t do? Be better than me at things. say that I avoided you at prom.
 4. What is something you wish I didn’t do? Fail Geography. Hate you ;).
 5. What eyes colour did you wish I had? You wish they were perfectly cyan, I wish Georgia's were lighter green. We love each other's eyes already.
 6. What dressing do you always wear? I wear Blue hoodie, Black Jeans, Red Vans and a T-shirt. Georgia Wears Brown Jumper, Black Joni Jeans & Black boots. I always wear my Topshop jeans, you always wear your blue hoodie.
 7. Which food I like/ don’t like? Georgia likes vegetables, and doesn't like meat. Mitch likes McDonalds, he doesn't like anchovies.
 8. Which drinks I like/ don’t like? Georgia likes special hot chocolate, and doesn't like Alcohol. Mitch likes's Amaretto & Coke/McDonalds Milkshake and doesn't like Tea without sugar.
 9. Which are your most favourite drink/ food? My Fave is Bacon sandwiches and Coke Zero. My favourite food is Pancakes, my favourite drink is Lemon & Lime water.
10. What is my shoe size? 9, Georgia is a 4. I am 3.5, Mitch is 8?
11. What would I eat every day if I could? Bacon, Georgia would eat Soup. I would eat Mash Potato and Mitch would eat McDonalds.
12. What am I good at? Acting, as is Georgia. We are both good at acting.
13. Which Band and Solo Artist do I like most? The Beatles/Robbie Williams-Georgia like The Kooks and Ed Sheeran. My favourite band is The Kooks, my favourite artist is Ed Sheeran, Mitch likes Robbie Williams and Take That.
14. Which song do I like most? Rock DJ, Georgia's is All About You. I think Mitch likes Rule The World, and I like Junk Of The Heart
15. Which sport do I like? Athletics, Georgia's is dancing, if that counts. He doesn't do it often, but he is good at sprinting, I like cross country.
16. Which sport team do I like most? Chelsea FC, Georgia's is something I've never heard of. Do you support a team? I'm just gonna say England because me too.
17. What is my eyes colour? Blue, Georgia's are green. Mitch is Blue, Mine are green.
18. Who is my best friend? Nicolas Romero/Alfie Mason, Georgia's are Darcy Hedley/Annabel Blizzard. Mine are Darcy & Annabel, Mitch's are Nicolas and Alfie.
19. Where does my family come from? London, Georgia's are from the Isle Of Wight. Mine are from the Isle Of Wight, Mitch was born here, but I have a feeling his parents are from 'up country'.
20. What I often do in my free times? Watch TV, Georgia Draws? Mitch watches TV, I read.

Me & Georgia from Way back in Henry IV
      Please check our Georgia's Blog HERE and
      follow her on Twitter & Instagram 
      Twitter: sherlockhomiees
      Instagram: georgiaprangnell 

       Until Next Time,
       Stay Happy,
       Feel the Love,
       And Goodbye.

 Mitch xx

P.S. Also, I promise we'll go back to Black text next time...thought I'd add a touch of love to this post.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Chapter 44: YouTube Subscriptions #3

Hi Guys,

It's about time I did a follow up to my previous posts about YouTube subscriptions/Youtube Subscriptions #2

So today I thought I would tell you about a few more of the channels I am subscribed to on YouTube. Some of them are popular well known channels, and some of them are smaller lesser known channels, please do subscribe to them if they take your fancy. (if you click on their channel names at the beginning of the paragraph it will take you to their channel)

11) Alan Becker

Alan Becker is an animator most known for his 'Animator VS Animation' videos. I used to watch his videos all the time when I was younger but recently stumbled upon his channel again to find so many more videos. Amongst his animations he also does tutorials to show you how to animate some of the things he does on his second channel AlanBeckerTutorials.

12) Carsandwater

Carsandwater are a channel that I came across completely by accident. There videos very much revolve around destroying items. This can be done in numerous ways such as 'item' VS Thermite, Deep Freeze Crush Test & RHNB (Red Hot Nickel Ball). I find watching this channel oddly satisfying. My favourite video is RHNB - Jello.

13) RayWilliamJohnson

RayWilliamJohnson uploads a wide variety of content however I am only subscribed for one of the shows, =3, this is a show that reviews viral videos in a completely ridiculous comedic way. =3 has been hosted by a few different people, first Ray himself, then Robby Motz after Ray quit to focus on other content, after him was Kaja Martin who replaced Robbie after he decided to focus on his own channel and most recently Carlo Santos who replaced Kaja after she left to work on other things. Carlo is probably my favourite of all the hosts.

14) Will Darbyshire

Will Darbyshire is from the group of vloggers that include Joe Sugg, Casper Lee & Oli White however what sets him apart from the others is the style of his videos, they are rarely challenges or sit down videos and tend more to be collections of videos to explain something. His videos tend to be very deep and infrequent but they always have a sort of passion that makes them more special to watch.

15) Steve Kardynal

Steve Kardynal is a comical youtuber who uploads, among other things, chatroulette videos of him dressed in silly outfits, mainly womens underwear, and lipsyncing songs. He also has a series called songs in real life which are sketches that are quite hard to explain. He also uploads the other odd videos such as one of him with food falling on his head. Steve hasn't uploaded in a while but I can't unsubscribe because I wouldn't want to miss a new video in the future.

For now, that will be it, but I'll be sure to let you know about other channels that I am subscribed to in the future.

Again, make sure you go and check out all the channels, and subscribe to them if you want to.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Subscribe to one of those channels,
and goodbye.

Mitch x

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Chapter 43: The Sister Tag Questions

Hey Guys,

This week I did the sister tag with my sister, Lauren, Check it out here:

Here are the questions if you wanna do it too:
1.       Who is the oldest?
2.       Any nicknames?
3.       Funniest Memory?
4.       Most memorable argument?
5.       Most recent Argument?
6.       Most cherished memory?
7.       Old Photos?
8.       Last thing we talked about?
9.       Are you close?
10.   What annoys you the most about each other?
11.   Do you hang out and do things together?
12.   Are you competitive?
13.   One thing you can do that your sibling can’t?                                            
14.   Who is the best looking?

15.   Who is the most creative?
Me and My sister when I was a potato

Me and My sister when I was a
Chinese School boy with bad hair
Me and My sister when our brothers are in the photo

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Appreciate Your Siblings,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Chapter 42: Rhett & Link Haul!

Hey guys,

So I recently realised that I have a hell of a lot of merchandise from my favourite youtubers Rhett and Link.

You can check out their YouTube Channel Here! and their store here!
I summed up what they do in my First Youtube Subscriptions.

So, Let's have a look at the Merch that I have
Good Mythical Morning T-Shirt
Rhett & Link Logo T-shirt

Both of these have a nice soft material that are cosy to lounge around in. I love the colours of both of them too. My favourite of the two is the GMM one because it's slightly more cryptic and has more of a design.

(The GMM one is stretched because it was very crinkled when we took the photos)

'Randler' Hoodie Unzipped
'Randler' Hoodie Zipped

Much like the T-shirts, The hoodie is made from a soft material which is comfortable to lounge in.

I really like the basic but intriguing design of the Randler, the mascot of the group of fans known as the Mythical Beasts.

My only issue is that the zip is on the 'wrong' side because it's an American design, but I got used to it.
Good Mythical Morning Mug

The GMM mug is one of my favourites to use at home.

I really like the Matte Black colour with the GMM logo in an orange that really stands out. I like that the rim has a glossy finish as it makes it more comfortable on the lips.

The inside of the mug is also orange which makes it stand out even more and gives a general orange/black theme to the whole mug, which really is a nice, and underrated, colour scheme.

Again, my only downfall is that the handle is on the 'wrong' side as it's american and so the design faced backwards before I got used to holding it the other way round.

The Mythical 2.0s
Rhett & Link Guitar Pick
These shoes were designed by the Rhett & Link completely by suggestions from the Mythical Beasts. They originally came out in Black, Blue & Cream canvas before being release in grey leather (what I have), Pink leather (to raise money for breast cancer awareness), A camo-print design (Which also introduced the orange mythical socks) and a special anniversary Black leather pair. These shoes are no longer available to purchase. Every pair also came with the Rhett & Link guitar pick for free as there is a special pocket for one on the side of the shoe. (I use my pick for my Ukulele)
Using The Beard Oil
Rhett's Beastly but Balanced Beard Oil

This is the first of the pairs newest products which they created with BeardandLady.com.

This beard oil is scented with Sandalwood, Citrus & Rosemary, which smells awesome.

The oil is designed to add moisture to the beard while also keeping it clean and presentable-it also helps to keep the beard growing.

Link's Peculiarly Perfect
Peanut Butter Peppermint Lip Balm
Applying The Lip Balm

Although it sounds strange, the combination of peanut butter and peppermint really does smell, and taste lovely, and it feels so good on the lips-The balm itself really does add moisture to the lips and it locks it in meaning you don't have to keep going back for more...regardless of how tempting it is.

The lipbalm is sold in packs of 2.

Other merchandise that Rhett and Link have released, that I have not bought are, wristbands, a variety of stickers, a Rhett and Link Logo hoodie, A GMM logo Hoodie, A GMM poster, Rhett & Link Bobble heads, Socks and a snapback hat.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Be Your Mythical Best,
And Goodbye.

Mitch x

Photos courtesy of @Itsme_hamer on Instagram