This weeks video is slightly later than usual because I was filming it last night, but there will be lots of photos from my Halloween party.
I thought this week I could do a blog post about Halloween, so here is my Halloween tag.
1) What’s your favourite horror movie? I like scream, I know, boring, but oh well.
3) Favourite scary video game? Don't really play video games or scary ones for that matter, so probably the first Five Nights At Freddy's.
4) Favourite scary story? The Funnybones book, one from my childhood, really is a classic.
5) What’s one unusual thing that you’re afraid of? I am afraid of talking to people I don't know.
6) What’s your first memory of Halloween? Wearing a dracula costume and gagging with the false teeth in, don't remember much else.
7) What’s your favourite Halloween memory? I'm writing this on Friday night so I'm sure it will soon be the party tomorrow, but right now it's probably trick or treating a pub and receiving a packet of crisps.
8) Best Halloween costume you've had? A scary black and white clown
9) Worst Halloween costume you've had? probably tomorrows St, Trinians school girl one, I mean, it's a brilliant costume, but an awful idea
10) Werewolves or vampires? I'd say werewolves
11) Ghosts or zombies? Gotta be zombies
12) Creepy dolls or creepy clowns? Dolls all the way
Find the blank list by clicking here!
So until next time,
Stay Happy,
Be spooky,
and goodbye.
Mitch x
So until next time,
Stay Happy,
Be spooky,
and goodbye.
Mitch x
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