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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Chapter 17: Interviewing Nye Russell-Thompson

Hi guys,

So on Wednesday 14th I went to Ventnor to help my friend Nye with the tech on his one man show 'Just A Few Words' (The same show I went to help with in Edinburgh). I thought while I was with him I would have a small Interview with him...Here is that interview:

Who are your favourite actor and actress and what do you think their best role was?

Bill Nighy! He is just a hilarious, well-balanced performer, combining eccentricity and honesty in the same performance. He tore me apart with one line in the film ‘Pride!’ and I adore him for that. I cried so much.
My favourite actress would definitely have to be Catherine Tate, for similar reasons. I was surprised to see her perform such a varied and relatable role as Donna in Doctor Who - I was used to her comedian antics, and hadn't seen her in a serious part, so her tragic story at the end of Doctor Who series 4 was heartbreaking, and really put her up there for me. Here’s the link between the two - both made me cry!

What is the hardest role you have ever played?

My answer to this one will be a bit unexpected… Me! Genuinely, this is true. I love character acting, always have, it means I can hide behind a character and have fun with it, with an emotional disconnect. At the University of Chichester, I was in many shows where I had to literally be myself on stage, and it was the most difficult feeling I have ever felt in front of an audience.

What is the most fun role you have ever played?

Vladimir in Waiting for Godot! Vladimir is an old man, trapped in the void between worlds, and to pass the time, him and his friend Estragon - also old - talk in riddles, and exercise, and wait, and wait some more, and casually discuss hanging themselves! …It gets a bit dark. I love that combination of opposites in tragicomedies.

What would be your dream role and why?

*Big nerdy sigh* …The Doctor, because he is so fluid and wise, yet stupid, and I think I would love to get into all the different flavours you can attribute to him - is he brooding? Happy? Silly? Deadpan? There’s a lot to play with, and I’d like to see a Doctor who can’t really express himself properly, so he has to write it down and show people, or something. Honest and eccentric.

What is your favourite part of doing 'Just A Few Words'?

The honesty, I think. I made the show to demonstrate how much there is to a stammer, beyond the “buh-buh-buh”. There’s a lot of anxiety, and regret, and self-deprecation, but also a lot of relief and so many stupid brilliant hilarious connections that people with speech impediments, and anxiety, make and it was a dream to get people to understand that.

How do you prepare for a show, Do you have any pre-show rituals?

I do a lot of talking, often to people, sometimes to myself! I get nervous, so I get very excitable too, lots of running, skipping, quoting nerdy things, plus suddenly I find everything funny. I’m quite immature.

How would you like to see Speech impediments and Mental disorders play a larger part in mainstream performance such as TV and film?

I think there’s a lot being done already, the stigma surrounding mental health issues is gradually being dispersed by contemporary theatre makers like Bryony Kimmings, and The King’s Speech was the first film where I felt there was a public understanding of speech impediments growing in today’s culture. I would like to see more representation on TV and in film, where it’s just incidental that a character has anxiety, or depression, or a lisp or stammer, or is mute, and is not used as a plot point or someone to draw attention to, to show that people aren’t defined by their speech impediments or mental health disorders. I think that’s the next step, it should be like how it is in real life - people have these things, and that’s it.

If you were not an actor, what profession would you most likely be doing, and what would you want to be doing?

Probably writing scripts for theatre. I do that now anyway, does that count?

What advice do you have for aspiring actors?

If you want to act, then go for it! There is no set path, just get as much experience as you can. And make your own shows, it gives you something awesome to work on between each audition. Listen to advice but don’t over think every word - do what feels right for you.

I'd like to thank Nye for letting me ask him these questions, please go follow him on twitter @Nyebear or his Company page @Stammerartist

Thanks for reading,
Until Next time,
Mitch xx

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Chapter 16: Early Christmas Present

Hey guys,

This week on YouTube I filmed my 15 Festive Favourites which you can find below:

                                                                                What is your favourite...?
1. Festive food
2. Reindeer 
3. Day of Christmas
4. Christmas Song
5. Christmas Present
6. Christmas Film
7. Christmas Cracker toy
8. Christmas Cracker joke
9. Decoration
10. Candle scent
11. Christmas advert
12. Festive Tradition 
13. Place to spend Christmas 
14. Festive Fact
15. Snowman accessory

I chose Forrero Rocher because they are my favourite chocolates which seem to become more of a thing at Christmas, although I also love my mum's roast potatoes.
My favourite reindeer, boring as it is, is Rudolph just because he is the classic and the only one who I feel I know enough to make it my favourite.
My favourite 'Day of Christmas' was 3 French Hens just because it is my favourite to sing in the song, I tend to give it a British, operatic roll.
It is well known among my friends that I love Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' and The Pogues' 'Fairytale Of New York' and that I listen to them all year round.
I love food, so edible gifts are the best.
Bad Santa is the first Christmas film that comes to my mind because it really does make me laugh.
The slinky is the only toy worth getting in the Crackers and the joke that I tell in the video is the only one that I liked from the list I looked up (I can't remember all the stupid jokes from crackers).
The Reindeer decoration is a decoration that has genuinely been up in my house since Christmas last year to a point where it is easy to forget that it's a Christmas decoration.
Gingerbread candles are the only ones I personally own with a festive scent.
The Coca Cola advert is a classic for Christmas and is widely known as the 'start of Christmas'.
Doing a quiz for my family is something I look forward to every year which is why my favourite place to spend Christmas is in my home with family.
Again, I looked up the Christmas facts, and had to choose the one in the video due to my love for The Beatles and the hat is the most versatile accessory for the snowman because you really can give the snowman any hat.

Until next time,
Stay Happy,
Enjoy the video,
Get in the festive spirit (albeit early),
and goodbye.
Mitch xxx 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Chapter 15: Poetry By Mitch Hamer

Hi Guys,
Thought I'd write a poem today, so here it is:


A poem should be easier to write
No set structure or words that are needed
I cannot promise it will be just right
To get this far, my skills, I've exceeded

They say that poems do not have to rhyme
But I have to prefer the ones that do
I do not write poems all of the time
And based on these lines you know that is true

A poem like this should have a meaning
But I don't know what that is meant to be
My knowledge of poetry is lacking
But I know some formats to some degree

You may have noticed this was a sonnet
When it comes to those, I'm really on it

Mitch Hamer

So that was a poem that took me quite a while to write, but it follows the structure and rhyming sequence of a sonnet and is indeed written in iambic pentameter, which really is as far as my poetry knowledge extends.

Until next time,
Stay Happy,
Write a poem,
And goodbye.
Mitch xxx

Friday, 23 October 2015

Chapter 14: Am I Intelligent?

Hi guys, 

Today I thought I would discover whether the things I think I know about completely useless topics are true or not. If they are, then I have some useless general knowledge, if they aren't then...well, other people have false information.

An Octopus has 3 hearts.
'Octopuses have three hearts. Two branchial hearts pump blood through each of the two gills, while the third is a systemic heart that pumps blood through the body. Octopus blood contains the copper-rich protein hemocyanin for transporting oxygen.' - Well, good start.

The Incredibles was the first animated film where the hair was animated.
Well, I couldn't actually find evidence for or against this 'fact' so, I'm just going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and say that it's true.

You lose brain cells when you sneeze.
'When sneezing, the pressure in you body increases momentarily. This causes the blood flow to the heart to decrease. The heart then adjusts, changing the regular heart beat to make up for the lack of blood flow. As reported by Dr. Richard Koller, a sneeze does not kill brain cells.' I was pretty convinced on this one and I'm mind blown that it's not true.

Coconuts kill more people than guns.
'Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each year, 15 times the number of fatalities attributable to sharks' Ok, so I wasn't quite right here, but I knew that coconuts were good killers.

Jupiter has rings.
'Jupiter does have faint, narrow rings. Unlike Saturn, which has bright ice rings, Jupiter has dark rings which are made up of dust and tiny pieces of rock. Jupiter's rings were discovered by NASA's Voyager 1 mission in 1980.' I knew I wasn't crazy about this one.

South Sudan is the newest country.
'South Sudan declared independence from Sudan on July 9, 2011, after a bloody civil war with the ethnically Arab north that had lasted decades.' Although it doesn't state it in that quote, the four year old country really is the youngest country, as opposed to Ethiopia, the oldest.

So, it turns out that most of the pointless 'facts' that I 'know' are true so if I tell you something that sounds ridiculous, it's probably true.

Until tomorrow,
Stay happy,
Tell someone a pointless fact,
and goodbye,

Mitch xx

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Chapter 13: Looking Back #TBT

Hi guys,

Today I thought I would revisit an old 'Dear...' video that existed before this blog in true Throwback Thursday style. The video I have chosen is 'The One When Things Happened!'

I've chosen this video because I realise that I sold it a bit incorrectly, my days consisted of either Shakespeare rehearsals or me forgetting to film anything. With this in mind, the footage from the rehearsals are some of my favourite clips from Henry IV as well as some footage of The Skorys livestream where they gave me a shoutout.

The purpose of this video was to try and show that I do some interesting things sometimes, the only problem is, that this week was not a week where interesting things happened, I was really clutching at straws.

There were many things wrong with this video, messing up the intro, using an irrelevant song, bad sound on the videos, A cringy plug to someones twitter and the aforementioned lack of footage from the 'eventful' week. What was caught on camera was mostly quite good footage, whether it be the clips of sword fights at fight rehearsals for Henry IV or the hovercraft taking off, both showed something entertaining and interesting about what I do and where I live respectfully.

Something I forgot I included in this video were the random screen captures at the end which were intended to show that on Saturday I did some online quizzes and watched some YouTube videos which was just a poor idea anyway.

Overall although I feel there were bad decisions and choices made with this video, I also feel like I did well with what I gave myself and that it was a helpful video to help me improve, it has one of my favourite thumbnails I've made and includes some of my favourite footage so that's something.

That is about all I have to say on this video,

So until next time,
Stay Happy,
Look back on the past,
and Goodbye,
Mitch x

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Chapter 12: On A (Geographical) Journey

Hey guys,

Those of you familiar with My bucket list video and 'I'm not dead yet' post will know that one day I would like to travel the world and visit all 7 continents, however, this is all a bit vague, so today I thought I'd outline a few Countries that I would particularly like to visit. *No particular order*

1) Ireland, somewhere so close to home that I've always been keen to visit, love the culture and people and keen to see if the people live up to the stereotype (which is one I love). 1 thing I have to do in Ireland: Drink a pint of Guinness and have a bowl of Irish Broth.

2) Argentina, always been interested to visit here, but to this day am not particularly sure why exactly. nothing stands out in my mind for a reason to visit here, I just want to. 1 thing I have to do in Argentina: Try and learn the Argentine tango.

3) USA, What a place to be able to visit, feel like a celebrity, warm winters, all those Americanisms from films, truly the place any aspiring actor wants to go. 1 thing I have to do in America: Eat a burger in a greasy diner before visiting Hollywood.

4) Italy, A place in Europe that has always attracted me with its cuisine, stereotypes, cars and weather. It's surely 'the tourists' favourite photograph location, what with the Colosseum, The tower of Pisa, The Vatican and the gondola's on the rivers. 1 thing I have to do in Italy: Eat a cornetto on a gondola with pizza for dinner.

5) China, A place that has always been close to my heart ever since my family has joked about me being from there, absolutely love the cuisine and it's my favourite takeaway, although I doubt it's like that in China, and also home to the great wall, one of the few historic landmarks that I am genuinely interested in seeing up close. 1 thing I have to do in China: Eat a fortune cookie everyday I'm there and eat some genuine Chinese cuisine.

6) Madagascar, A place I've only seen in photos and an animated film (can't remember it's name) but from what I've seen it really is one of the most beautiful places that can exist. I want to look beyond the forest from the film and into the culture of the African island. 1 thing I have to do in Madagascar: Dance, Sing and Find 'the' beach from the film.

7) South Africa, Wanted to go here ever since my dad visited once, the pictures he bought back were truly stunning, would be nice to see the side of Africa that isn't portrayed in the media, the developed side. 1 thing I have to do in South Africa: Climb tabletop mountain.

8) Australia, A country that has always had a place in my heart, a place that means an awful lot to my mum as well, seems like a laid back version of England which cannot be a bad thing, everyone seems friendly and there is a huge use of BBQs, what's not to love. 1 thing I have to do in Australia: Throw a shrimp on the barbie and learn to surf.

9) Brazil, The most colourful and alive place on the planet full of geography, always something to look at and explore whether it be the rainforest, or the slums. 1 thing I have to do in Brazil: Visit the rainforest and experience CARNIVAL!

10) Japan, A cultured place that is also overrun with technology, arguably polar opposites in human geography, but it works for Japan, one day you are look at Bonzai the next you are looking at billboards...What an amazing place geographically too. 1 thing I have to do in Japan: Eat sushi, sing karaoke, learn a martial art.

11) India, A truly remarkable country in terms of culture, cuisine and character, full of people that are proud of there heritage and are more than keen to show it off and share it with others, scents of Indian spice in the air, Tuk Tuks flying around every corner and a sense of community between all. 1 thing I have to do in India: Eat a traditional, home-made curry in a tuktuk.

12) Denmark, I have some links to this country with my cousin being half Danish and it has always struck me as a forgotten about country in Europe, but if it's pastries are anything to go by, then this cycle mad country is a place I need to visit. 1 thing I have to do in Denmark: Relearn how to ride a bike, and use it as my only transport.

13) Sweden, A country I loved, then forgot about, but have recently re-loved thanks to a Swedish exchange student named Ida who I'm now good friends with. This is a place where I will never lose my stereotypes of a meatball-eating, ABBA-listening, moose-petting flatpack enthusiast no metter how many times I'm told it's not true, but maybe visiting Sweden may change this. 1 thing I have to do in Sweden: become a meatball-eating, ABBA-listening, moose-petting flatpack enthusiast

14) The Netherlands, This country is home to some relatives of mine as well as some friends named Edwin and Niels who I met in the summer just gone. Because of the family ties this has always been somewhere I've wanted to visit (I mean, I did as a baby, but that doesn't count, I don't remember any of it). The Dutch all seem so nice and their 'Cafés' sound delightful. 1 thing I have to do in The Netherlands: Go to a café before taking a trip on a canal surrounded by tulips.

15) Canada, Another country that I'm not sure about the reasons for my desired visit, maybe it's the snow maybe it's something completely different, all that is for sure, is that I want to go there. 1 thing I have to do in Canada: See a bear...and run.

That's all for today, Until Tomorrow.
Stay Happy,
Plan somewhere you want to go,
and goodbye.
Mitch xx

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Chapter 11: I'm Not Dead Yet!

Hi guys,

Today I'm going to talk to you about things I want to do before I die, You may remember a video I once did on my bucket list, in a sense that is kind of what this is, however there are other things I want to accomplish before I die that aren't so much in my bucket list; for those of you that haven't seen that video, here is the list:

  1. Meet/work with James Corden
  2. Host a Chat show
  3. Win an Oscar, BAFTA & NTA
  4. Skydive
  5. Be honoured by a royal
  6. Be in Eastenders and Coronation Street
  7. Take part in Big Brother
  8. Live on a bus for at least a year
  9. Visit all 7 continents of the world
  10. Star in a movie

Of course, there are so many other things I wish to do before I die which I did not include in that list and here they are.

Before I die, I would like to change someone's life, Visit America for work and leisure reasons, Go to a London Film Premier both as audience and as a star in the film, appear at the west end, Go to an awards ceremony as audience, a presenter of an award and the recipient, I'd also like to take a major role in a Charity telethon such as Comic Relief/Children In Need and write my own TV Comedy/Sitcom.

This is a small selection of things that I'd love to do before I die just from the top of my head.

For now, this is goodbye,
See you tomorrow,
Stay Happy,
Make some dreams,
Mitch xxx

Monday, 19 October 2015

Chapter 10: My Movie

Hi Guys,

Today is day 1 of my week of blogs and I'm going to plan a Movie of my life. (Presuming that I'm about to die and people have made a biopic about me with with actors of the current time (which is impossible))

This is originally a 10 day challenge, but I'm going to shrink and simplify it to 10 steps, here we go.

Step 1: The Basics

Name Of Film: Mitch Hamer: A Lifetime
Tagline: From a Little Known Island, To a Widely Known Star
Rating: 12

Step 2: Soundtrack

My Soundtrack would feature music from 3 bands/artists; The Beatles, Robbie Williams and OKGO.
The opening sequence song would be Rock DJ by Robbie Williams and the closing credits would be Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles.

Step 3: The Synopsis

We travel throughout the life and times of award winning Actor and Broadcaster Mitch Hamer from his teens growing up on The Isle of Wight, all through his breakthrough and onto his glory days on prime time television. Prepare to dive into the depths and secrets of this national treasure with the help of celebrity friends, family and the man himself.

Step 4: Actors to Play Me

I've taken the liberty of choosing a different actor for each decade of my life from my teens up to my 70s:
Teenage me would be played by Theo Stevenson because he has that cheeky young vibe to him that I think suits me perfectly. Me in my 20s would be played by Rupert Grint (with dyed hair), I chose him because I feel we match personalities. 30 year old me would be played by one of my acting idols, James Corden followed quite unbelievably by a 40 your old me in the form of Hugh Jackman or David Walliams. In my 50s I'll be played by Colin Firth, followed by Bill Murray in my 60s, and Derek Jacobi in my 70s.

Step 5: An Actress for My Love Interest

This one is hard without having a love interest right now, and I don't want to pick someone for every decade like I have done for myself but someone like Cameron Diaz or Keira Knightly or Amanda Seyfried would be good.

Step 6: An Actor for My Best Friend

This is one that would make sense to have multiple actors, and I would probably go with people that that worked closely with each version of 'me' such as Ian McKellen (Derek Jacobi) and Mathew Horne (James Corden).

Step 7: Someone To Play My Enemy

From the top of my head, I don't really have an enemy. so I'll pick someone who is good at bad characters and just choose them. Tom Hiddleston comes to mind as does Ben Kingsley.

Step 8: The Parents

I would probably get George Clooney to play my dad and Julie Walters to play my mum. Easiest choices on this.

Step 9: The Siblings

My older brother would be played by Brad Pitt at some point, My sister would be played by Imogen Poots and my Younger brother by a chubby Jonah Hill.

Step 10: The Review

'Mitch Hamer: A Lifetime - ****

Mitch's Story is a touching biopic which really delves into his life in the entertainment industry and how he came to be there. It shows the obstacles he passed both before, during and leading out of working in TV which gives a real insight into the reality of this tough world of entertainment. The use of flashbacks and fast forward means that you only ever see the major points in his life and career meaning the boring bits are cut out leading to an enjoyable watch. The soundtrack provided by Mitch's favourite bands and artists gives the film a more personal watch which really helps to pull at the heartstrings of the viewer. Overall the film gave for an enjoyable watch with laugher and tears in equal measure and high and lows that are almost too much to want to watch. '

Thank you for giving this a read, feel free to tell me who you would get to play you in a film of your life.

Until Tomorrow,
Stay Happy,
Watch a film,
and goodbye,
Mitch xx

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Chapter 9: If I Told You I Had Purpose, Would You Believe Me

Hello you lot,

*If you do not wish to read all this, then please note the 'important' announcement at the end of this post*

A video went up on my YouTube today that I filmed at about 2am earlier this week, In this video I talk about leadership and why it gives me purpose, please watch a tired me talk about that here:
In the video I touch on a few reasons I like to be a leader, why a leader is important, why it gives me purpose, why that makes me happy, what it is that I like to lead and how being a leader can be misinterpreted sometimes.

I believe in having a leader/project manager who can run the task in hand and make sure everyone is doing something that will lead to the task being completed efficiently, I'll dub this as the 'Apprentice Method'. I also believe that everyone should have a say and that all idea, even the shit ones, should be considered, I dub this the 'AA Method' and I also believe that people who do not take the lead, or an active role in the task in hand, also do not have the right to complain about the way things are being run, who they are being run by, or that their ideas are not being used, I'm dubbing this the 'STFU YOU CANT EVEN BE BOTHERED TO HELP Method'. All three of these methods are valid and can, and perhaps should, work together in harmony.

Recently I discovered that there are things that I can lead and plan which gave me a huge rush of felling needed and with-purpose, a feeling that I have been lacking for a few months now, not a feeling that made me feel sad or ignored, just unneeded and unnecessary which perhaps led to me being slightly lacklustre or below average enthusiastically, which if you know me personally, you may well have noticed. (Don't worry if you didn't, it makes no difference to me)

The worst part about having an enthusiastic attitude to leading is that if you do, and someone does not like the way you are leading, it means that things can get very bitter between the team which can lead to a lack of enthusiasm or work being created and therefore slowing down the process of completing the task. I have had experience with being in a team without a leader and feeling the need to have to take control to finish the task, this is one of those times where it was taking badly among the people who did not want to be told what to do, but in this situation, I knew it needed to be done so I carried on regardless.

This is all that I feel is really necessary to mention on this topic, so I shall leave it there.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Take Leadership of something,
and goodbye xx



All next week, 19th - 25th October, I will be posting everyday on here, so keep your eyes peeled. x

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Chapter 8: My First Time

*Promise this is not as bad as the title suggests*


In today's video I did a 'First time tag' thing with a collection of questions that I gathered from a few sources. You can see that here:

Me infront of the huge Edinburgh sign at the airport
As a follow up post I thought I would tell you about the first time I went away from home without my parents. 23rd August 2015, I set off on an adventure to Edinburgh in Scotland.

It started on the Cowes Redjet to Southampton, when I arrived I jumped in a taxi to Southampton Airport...As it was my first time travelling alone, I may have over-compensated with how long it would take, so I was sat in the airport for about 3 hours. The plane journey was short and comfortable so it wasn't a bad start to the trip.

Me and Comedian Josh Widdicombe

When in Edinburgh I did so many different things and experienced so much, I was given a free hotel room for two nights because I was techy for an artist at the Fringe Festival, when we weren't in the room we were camping in a really nice site, I went on (many) trams, visited beautiful parks, went shopping, got a Scottish travel card, ate a battered Twix and Mars Bar, attended an awards ceremony, Watched some awesome shows, met Josh Widdicombe and Hal Cruttenden and I bought a kilt.

Me & Nye dressed up for
the awards ceremony
A battered Twix, not much to
look at, but tastes
Scotland had the most beautiful views every morning and the weather was perfect almost all the time, the people are so friendly and the Scottish accent is not only more welcoming and friendly than I thought, but also ridiculously contagious.

The week seemed to go by so quickly despite the days seeming to last forever, which I think meant that it was the best it could possibly be.

The venue that the show was in was called 'Clouds & Soil' and was a really nice place, the staff were nice as were the other performers and the service and food was incredible.

Me and  comedian Hal Cruttenden
I will definitely be going back when I get the chance, and I recommend The Edinburgh Fringe Festival to anyone thinking of going.

That's all for now,
See you soon,
Stay Happy,
Mitch xxx

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Chapter 7: The NTAs

Hi guys,

Voting for one of my favourite awards shows and TV events has opened, the event in question is The National Television Awards which will be broadcast live from the O2 on the 20th January 2016.

Today I've decided to vote...and give you snappy 1 line reasons for my choices.

If you wish to vote, please follow this link

Let's get started!


Nominations: Britains Got Talent, The X-Factor, The Voice, Strictly Come Dancing
My Choice: Strictly Come Dancing
Why: Sequins, Sparkles, Ainsley Harriott and Bruno Tonioli.


Nominations: The Island with Bear Grylls, 10,000 BC, The Great British Sewing Bee, The Naked Choir with Gareth Malone, The Big Painting Challenge, MasterChef, The Great British Bake Off, The Apprentice, Bear Grylls: Mission Survive, Flockstars, The Jump
My Choice: Bear Grylls: Mission Survive
Why: Real challenges for celebrities, exciting to watch.


Nominations: Eastenders, Doctors, Home And Away, Neighbours, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks
My Choice: Eastenders
Why: Only one I really watch anymore and has quality storylines.


Nominations: The Keith Lemon Sketch Show, Benidorm, W1A, Vicious, Still Open All Hours, Citizen Kahn, Raised By Wolves, Newzoids, Birds Of A Feather, Not Going Out, Peter Kay's Car Share, Cradle To Grave
My Choice: Benidorm
Why: Tough choice, but Benidorm makes me laugh the most.


Nominations: This Is England '90, The Fall, Vera, Inspector George Gently, Lewis, Downton Abbey, DCI Banks, Last Tango In Halifax, The Syndicate, Doctor Who, Call The Midwife, Doc Martin, Death In Paradise, New Tricks, Silent Witness, Midsomer Murders, Broadchurch, Suspects, Casualty, Mr. Selfridge
My Choice: The Syndicate
Why: Tough between Syndicate and Doctor Who...but prefer The Syndicate and it's actors.


Nominations: Wolf Hall, Humans, Safe House, The Trials of Jimmy Rose, Black Work, Remember Me, Fortitude, Poldark, Partners in Crime, Jonothan Strange and Mr Norrell, Home Fires, Ordinary Lies, Indian Summers, The Missing, The Casual Vacancy, Doctor Foster, The Great Fire, Arthur & George
My Choice: Ordinary Lies
Why: Brilliant cast and story, left me wanting more.


Nominations: DIY SOS: The Big Build, Fake or Fortune, Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away, Long Lost Family, Gogglebox, Storage Hunters UK, Paul O'Grady: For the Love of Dogs, Antiques Roadshow, Top Gear, Life Story, Eat Well for Less?, Countryfile, Big Blue Live, Who Do You Think You Are?, Joanna Lumley's Trans-Siberian Adventure, The Mafia with Trevor McDonald
My Choice: Top Gear
Why: Think it deserves one last award and will be great to see it prove a point


Nominations: Loose Women, Lorraine, The One Show, Victoria Derbyshire, BBC Breakfast, This Morning, The Wright Stuff, Good Morning Britain, Sunday Brunch
My Choice: This Morning
Why: Show has awesome content, always the right mix between informative and entertaining.


Nominations: There's 58 of them...I'm not writing them.
My Choice: Lenny Henry as Godfrey Watson in The Syndicate
Why: Amazing to see a non-comic role from Lenny Henry and Godfrey was a brilliant character


This is the category with my favourite shows, really tough one.

Nominations: Celebrity Juice, I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!, All Star Family Fortunes, Celebrity Big Brother, Now You See It, University Challenge, Big Star's Little Star, Celebrity Mastermind, Keep It in the Family, The Jonathan Ross Show, The John Bishop Show, The Chase: Celebrity Special, Through The Keyhole, Made In Chelsea, Room 101, Have I Got News For You, Sunday Night at the Palladium, Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, Take Me Out, Pointless Celebrities, Off Their Rockers, The Graham Norton Show, Alan Carr: Chatty Man, Surprise Surprise, Ninja Warrior UK, The Cube, The National Lottery: Win Your Wish List, Catchphrase, You're Back in the Room, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Would I Lie to You?
My Choice: Celebrity Big Brother
Why: One of my favourite TV shows and had two amazing lineups this year.


Nominations: For the individuals, I won't write nominations.
My Choice: Richard Blackwood as Vincent Hubbard in Eastenders
Why: Only one on the list that I've seen in action, and he's pretty good.


Nominations: The Best of Serial Dramas
My Choice: Danny Dyer as Mick Carter in Eastenders
Why: Quality actor, quality character, quality storylines, quality show.


Nominations: House Of Cards, Game Of Thrones, Family Guy, Transparent, Gotham, Arrow, Elementary, The Blacklist, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Flash, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Simpsons, The 100, Zoo, Modern Family, Orange is the New Black, Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-O, The Walking Dead, Bones, Homeland, The Big Bang Theory
My Choice: The Big Bang Theory
Why: Only one I've seen, really good comedy and cast.


Nominations: Antiques Road Trip, Bargain Hunt, Pointless, Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman, The Chase, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, Coach Trip, Flog It!, Tipping Point, Father Brown, The Housing Enforcers, A Place to Call Home, Fake Britain, The Paul O'Grady Show, Rip Off Britain, Judge Rinder, Council House Crackdown, The Jeremy Kyle Show
My Choice: The Chase
Why: Bradley Walsh...End of.


Nominations: Davina McCall, Bradley Walsh, Tess Daly, Jonathan Ross, Richard Osman, Graham Norton, John Craven, Marvin Humes, Jason Manford, Rochelle Humes, Claudia Winkleman, Jimmy Carr, Rylan Clark, Olly Murs & Caroline Flack, Alan Carr, Mel & Sue, Matt Baker, Nicky Campbell, Fiona Bruce, Emma Willis, Nick Knowles, Gabby Logan, Paddy McGuinness, Shane Richie, John Torode & Gregg Wallace, Stephen Mulhern, Keith Lemon, Alexander Armstrong, Ant & Dec, Vernon Kay, Paul O'Grady, Frank Skinner, Jack Whitehall, Ben Shepherd, Bear Grylls, Philip Schofield, Dermot O'Leary, Holly Willoughby
My Choice: Jack Whitehall
Why: Tough between him, Emma Willis & Bradley Walsh...but There's something about Jack.
My Nominees

So that is my choices, this was a ridiculously long post but I hope it gives you a big insight into what TV I like.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Go Vote,
and see you soon,
Mitch xx

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Chapter 6: YouTube Subscriptions #1

Hello, hello, hello you lovely lot,

Today I thought I would tell you about a few of the channels I am subscribed to on YouTube. Some of them are popular well known channels, and some of them are smaller lesser known channels, please do subscribe to them if they take your fancy. (if you click on their channel names at the beginning of the paragraph it will take you to their channel)

1) Carrie, Tom & Gi (Yes, I'm counting these as 1, Deal with it)

Also known as, ItsWayPastMyBedTime, Tom Fletcher & Giovannasworld.
 Those of you who are subscribed to me will know that these are the channels that the videos on my channel are usually aimed at. Tom Fletcher, From McFly, mainly makes 'Dear Carrie' videos which are basically vlogs or update videos that are mainly directed to his sister, Carrie Fletcher. Carrie makes Announcements, Advice and vlog videos, as well as 'Dear Tom & Gi' videos in reply to Tom and also to Tom's wife, Giovanna Fletcher. Giovanna, or Gi, also makes 'Dear Carrie' videos with the occasional 'Sit Down' or 'chat' video.

2) Philip Green

Philip Green is an impressionist who once auditioned for Britain's Got Talent and made it to the Semi-Finals. He uploads impression videos, parodies, challenges and general weirdness. I subscribed to him because I really enjoyed his impressions on BGT and I find his videos entertaining.

3) Rhett & Link (1,2,3 & 4)

Rhett & Link are the first channel I ever subscribed to when I accidental discovered them while looking for a song about Facebook. On their main channel they upload original songs & sketches. On their second channel they have a daily talk show Monday-Friday called 'Good Mythical Morning' where they do quizzes, advice, challenges, sketches and all sorts of other stuff, they also upload the occasional other video on this channel. On their third channel they have a small spin off from their talk show called 'Good Mythical More' which is where they keep the camera rolling after ending GMM and talk for a little bit longer, usually less structured. Their fourth channel, which I only recently discovered, features bonus clips from their other channel's videos.

4) The Fine Bros.

The Fine Bros. mainly upload react videos, which are various groups of people (Kids, Teens, Elders, Adults, Youtubers) reacting to popular videos, music acts, YouTube stars, news events etc. They also upload original sketches and spoiler videos for YouTube and TV programmes. They also have a second channel where they upload bloopers and extra reactions and a REACT channel where they upload other types of 'react' videos with the same reactors (gaming, opinions, advice, lyric breakdown etc.)

5) Colin Furze

Colin Furze is a bonkers inventor who uploads high paced and energetic videos of him creating things, these tend to run over the course of 3 or 4 videos. These have including, working Wolverine Claws and his current project, an underground bunker for an apocalypse.

For now, that will be it, but I'll be sure to let you know about other channels that I am subscribed to in the future.

Again, make sure you go and check out all the channels, and subscribe to them if you want to.

Until Next Time,
Stay Happy,
Mitch x

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Chapter 5: Humanutopia

Hi Guys,

Check out this weeks video before it goes live tomorrow.

At the end you will notice that I talk a little bit about Humanutopia which is an awesome project that came into school this week which is all about putting people first and being happy, whatever that means to you.

Myself and Carlo
So, Tuesday marked the day that Carlo came in and began the process where he got us to talk about our experiences and what makes up happy, he also talked about 'bin filling' and how the programme has helped others. We also played some team/trust building games.

On Thursday, those who chose to, then got their hero training so that they could pass on what we've learnt and what has helped us on to younger years, what we were not told was that we would have to do it that very afternoon with year 6 students from three primary schools in Cowes.

This process was so rewarding and it personally helped me so much and I am very glad to be able to call myself a hero and a part of the fantastic work that Humanutopia does.

In the future, we will have the opportunity to pass on what we have learnt to younger years in CEC with the help of Lauren, who works for Humanutopia as well as going to Island wide conferences with Heroes from other schools.

Please go find out some more for yourself:

Website: www.humanutopia.com
FB: facebook.com/humanutopia
Twitter: twitter.com/humanutopia - @Humanutopia
Instagram: humanutopia
YouTube: www.youtube.com/humanutopiaTV

Thanks for reading again guys,
Stay happy,
Mitch xx