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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Chapter 11: I'm Not Dead Yet!

Hi guys,

Today I'm going to talk to you about things I want to do before I die, You may remember a video I once did on my bucket list, in a sense that is kind of what this is, however there are other things I want to accomplish before I die that aren't so much in my bucket list; for those of you that haven't seen that video, here is the list:

  1. Meet/work with James Corden
  2. Host a Chat show
  3. Win an Oscar, BAFTA & NTA
  4. Skydive
  5. Be honoured by a royal
  6. Be in Eastenders and Coronation Street
  7. Take part in Big Brother
  8. Live on a bus for at least a year
  9. Visit all 7 continents of the world
  10. Star in a movie

Of course, there are so many other things I wish to do before I die which I did not include in that list and here they are.

Before I die, I would like to change someone's life, Visit America for work and leisure reasons, Go to a London Film Premier both as audience and as a star in the film, appear at the west end, Go to an awards ceremony as audience, a presenter of an award and the recipient, I'd also like to take a major role in a Charity telethon such as Comic Relief/Children In Need and write my own TV Comedy/Sitcom.

This is a small selection of things that I'd love to do before I die just from the top of my head.

For now, this is goodbye,
See you tomorrow,
Stay Happy,
Make some dreams,
Mitch xxx

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