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Sunday, 25 October 2015

Chapter 16: Early Christmas Present

Hey guys,

This week on YouTube I filmed my 15 Festive Favourites which you can find below:

                                                                                What is your favourite...?
1. Festive food
2. Reindeer 
3. Day of Christmas
4. Christmas Song
5. Christmas Present
6. Christmas Film
7. Christmas Cracker toy
8. Christmas Cracker joke
9. Decoration
10. Candle scent
11. Christmas advert
12. Festive Tradition 
13. Place to spend Christmas 
14. Festive Fact
15. Snowman accessory

I chose Forrero Rocher because they are my favourite chocolates which seem to become more of a thing at Christmas, although I also love my mum's roast potatoes.
My favourite reindeer, boring as it is, is Rudolph just because he is the classic and the only one who I feel I know enough to make it my favourite.
My favourite 'Day of Christmas' was 3 French Hens just because it is my favourite to sing in the song, I tend to give it a British, operatic roll.
It is well known among my friends that I love Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' and The Pogues' 'Fairytale Of New York' and that I listen to them all year round.
I love food, so edible gifts are the best.
Bad Santa is the first Christmas film that comes to my mind because it really does make me laugh.
The slinky is the only toy worth getting in the Crackers and the joke that I tell in the video is the only one that I liked from the list I looked up (I can't remember all the stupid jokes from crackers).
The Reindeer decoration is a decoration that has genuinely been up in my house since Christmas last year to a point where it is easy to forget that it's a Christmas decoration.
Gingerbread candles are the only ones I personally own with a festive scent.
The Coca Cola advert is a classic for Christmas and is widely known as the 'start of Christmas'.
Doing a quiz for my family is something I look forward to every year which is why my favourite place to spend Christmas is in my home with family.
Again, I looked up the Christmas facts, and had to choose the one in the video due to my love for The Beatles and the hat is the most versatile accessory for the snowman because you really can give the snowman any hat.

Until next time,
Stay Happy,
Enjoy the video,
Get in the festive spirit (albeit early),
and goodbye.
Mitch xxx 

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